Home Fitness New Year’s resolution: Exercise trainer discusses ways to ‘jump’ into the New Year

New Year’s resolution: Exercise trainer discusses ways to ‘jump’ into the New Year

by Universalwellnesssystems

New Year is here!

many people choose to fit They also hope to lose a few pounds in 2023, so as a New Year’s resolution.

add a twist typical aerobic exercise You can jump-start your own New Year’s resolutions – and that includes a mini trampoline.

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Joined by EvolveYou’s Melissa Kendter, a personal trainer with a bachelor’s degree from Delaware Valley University “Fox & Friends” On Monday morning, I’ll show you how to incorporate low-impact cardio using a mini trampoline in the comfort of your own home.

She recommends starting with light bounces for balance.

EvolveYou trainer Melissa Kendter joined “Fox and Friends” on Monday to demonstrate a jump start to the new year.
(Fox News)

“Get in an athletic position. Your core is toned. Your butt is a little… bounced a little,” she said.

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Kenter said arms can be added to the mix as people get used to trampolines.

“It’s all about developing healthy habits for the New Year.”

For extra balance, Kendter recommended getting sticks or a sturdy bar to hold on to when needed.

She said the mini trampoline can be used for more than just jumping.

Kenter says the mini trampoline workout is so versatile that anyone can use it as a lunge tool.

Kenter says the mini trampoline workout is so versatile that anyone can use it as a lunge tool.
(Fox News)

Kenter showed how a trampoline can be used as a stabilizing tool for lunges.

She also recommended using it to help with core exercises, such as sitting on a trampoline and working your core while moving your legs back and forth.

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According to Kenter, the trampoline can also be used as a push-up tool for the ultimate full-body workout.

upon "fox and friends" Kenter showed how to use a mini trampoline for push-ups.

In “Fox and Friends,” Kendter showed how to do push-ups on a mini trampoline.
(Fox News)

To finish off the circuit, Kenter recommended jumping back onto the trampoline and twisting your hips.

“It’s all about developing healthy habits for the New Year,” she said.

For those who need to modify their trampoline jumps, Kendter recommends simply bouncing instead.

“You don’t have to jump in the air, just bounce,” she said.

The mini trampoline can also be used for core training, giving you a full body workout.

The mini trampoline can also be used for core training, giving you a full body workout.
(Fox News)

Kendter recommended looking online for a mini trampoline to buy.

She said it ranges from $50 to $500.

A fitness instructor suggested checking local exercise facilities to see if they offered trampoline fitness classes.

“Everything has to be sustainable and maintainable in order to have long-term success,” she said.


Plus, it’s fun!

Kender is a functional training specialist, running coach, and certified personal trainer. She also owns her own private studio.


For more information on Mini Trampoline Fitness, visit trainmk.com.

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