Home Mental Health Have a unique phobia? Fear not! You’re not alone

Have a unique phobia? Fear not! You’re not alone

by Universalwellnesssystems

Portsmouth, Virginia (wavy) — Do you have a unique phobia? People with autophobia who are afraid of being alone need not worry about being alone.

by National Institute of Mental HealthAn estimated 9.1% of Americans, or more than 19 million people, have experienced a specific phobia in the past year.

reconstruction village has provided a list of 21 rare phobias that people may experience and where their fears come from. They range from a fear of the yellow color (xanthophobia) to a fear of the navel (ophthalmophobia).

Let’s dig into more unique horrors.


Are you allergic to peanut butter? Maybe you don’t like the consistency or you’re worried about choking or airway obstruction. Or maybe you just don’t like the sticky feel. Arakibutyrophobia is for people who are afraid of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of their mouth.


In an age where cell phones are religiously used for various activities throughout the day, this makes perfect sense. People who experience extreme FOMO, worry about missing calls, need to constantly check social media, or just like having their cell phone in their hands as a comfort item may have nomophobia, the fear of being without their cell phone.

Ariophobia equipped with a hippo monster

Well, whoever came up with the following idea must have played a cruel prank. Hippotomonstose Equipped Paliophobia is the fear of long words. It is also, ironically, the longest word in the dictionary. This is thought to come from the fear of saying words incorrectly out loud. People with dyslexia and people who are afraid of public speaking can be victims of this.


Are carnivals scary? Especially games like throwing darts or popping balloons? You can’t go to the circus, but maybe it’s because you’re scared of clowns? Anyone who saw the movie “It” might understand globophobia, the fear of balloons. Here are some things to keep in mind for their birthday party.


Some people don’t like Santa Claus. Perhaps it’s the fact that he works only one day a year, yet is a homeowner with a lot of land. Or that he eats everyone’s cookies. Or maybe a big white beard. Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. This may be due to a fear that the beard will obscure your face or a bad experience with people with beards.

phobia of humans

The following article may resonate with anyone who works a 9-to-5 job, feels constantly burnt out, or works in a high-stress environment. fear of working. Anthropophobia can affect people who worry about finding a job, but some people experience fear after getting a job. According to The Recovery Village, this can be the result of a negative work experience, such as an abusive employer or poor work-life balance.


Receiving a freshly knitted scarf or sweater from your grandma every Christmas can be a terrifying experience on its own, but it can be even worse for those with a phobia of smells. Fear of leashes may stem from a fear of being restrained, either from personal experience or from what you have seen elsewhere.


Well, did all of these phobias scare you? As you might have guessed, there’s also a word for it. Phobophobia is the fear of phobias. It is also called fearing fear itself. More specifically, people with phobias choose to avoid social and other situations that can cause anxiety.

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