Home Mental Health What to know about the growing demand for mental health care

What to know about the growing demand for mental health care

by Universalwellnesssystems

about one-fifth American Adults suffer from mental illness every year, and so do children. However, despite the increased demand for mental health services, many struggle to get an appointment.

This is a serious problem. We know more and more people are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. In emergency departments, more and more people are in crisis just because they can’t get someone to help them.

Across the United States, the demand for mental health treatment is on the rise.

“People struggle with not knowing where to start,” said certified therapist Jody Baumstein. “What providers are there? What services are there? And how do I find them?”

According to the Association of Medical Colleges of America, there are barely enough mental health providers to meet the demands of the growing population.

According to a 2018 analysis, Psychiatrist was shrinking. And in just two years he could be as low as 31,000 psychiatrists predict.

To find a potential therapist, search online directories listing providers in your area. Some employers may offer free short-term mental health benefits.

Check with your private provider to see if they have clinical interns who can help. If you are going through an insurance company, discuss your options with your insurance company.

“They may reimburse you for some of the cost of seeing an out-of-network provider,” said Jody Baumstein.

Talk to your doctor or your child’s pediatrician. They may have insight into clinicians in your area and can refer you. There may be help there.

Another thing to consider is an online virtual therapy visit. In many cases, it may be more convenient to schedule and provide a therapist who fits certain criteria that are important to you. The downside is that not all insurance covers these telemedicine services. is.

Finally, if you can’t get an appointment right away, put yourself on the waitlist.

If you have to wait for an appointment, rely on someone who cares about you and talk openly about what you’re going through. Don’t forget the Suicide and Crisis Hotline 988. Available 24 hours a day.

Copyright 2022 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit – All rights reserved.

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