Home Products The best food to eat for healthy hair, according to dietitians

The best food to eat for healthy hair, according to dietitians

by Universalwellnesssystems


The day of achieving your best hairstyle is just one bite away.

The right diet can improve problems from hair loss to dry hair, so a nutritionist has revealed exactly how to eat for healthier hair.

But as important as eating the right foods, nourishing your entire body is just as important, says registered dietitian Amanda Sauceda. told the shape.

“It's important to make sure your body is getting enough calories,” she says, pointing out the following suggestions: 2,000 calories a day dietary guideline. “Your body needs energy to grow hair and produce the hormones needed for healthy hair, so make sure your basic calorie needs are met.”

As for what foods specifically lead to healthy hair, Sauceda and other experts said wild salmon is the best choice, as it contains high-quality protein.

Frances Largeman-Ross, a registered dietitian, told the magazine that salmon contains proteins that promote hair health, as well as other nutrients such as marine collagen, omega-3s and zinc.

“Hair is made from protein, specifically keratin, so it makes sense that you should get the right amount of protein in your diet to support healthy hair growth,” she explained. .

Professor Rajman-Ross also cited wild sockeye salmon (mainly sustainably caught in Alaska) as the option with the highest vitamin D content and suggested eating it twice a week.

Of course, salmon has been named as a superfood for more than just healthy hair. Salmon, a staple of the Mediterranean diet that was recently voted the best overall diet in the world, has a wide range of benefits beyond hair, including protecting against cancer, dementia, and heart disease.

You are what you eat, and that includes your hair.
As for what specific foods lead to healthy hair, experts said wild salmon is the best choice, as it contains high-quality protein. stock.adobe.com
But just like eating the right foods, nourishing your body as a whole is equally important. Alessandro Grandini – Stock.adobe.com

Another study found that eating just two servings of fish, such as salmon, can reverse the damage done to your body by junk food.

However, salmon wasn't the only superfood on the list. Almonds, walnuts, eggs, citrus fruits, chicken with skin, and legumes are also good for hair health.


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