Home Mental Health ‘Mental health matters’: Hania Aamir talks about her struggles and encourages fans to reduce stigma – Culture

‘Mental health matters’: Hania Aamir talks about her struggles and encourages fans to reduce stigma – Culture

by Universalwellnesssystems

Everyone everywhere struggles with their mental health. Unfortunately, our society has stigmatized this issue so much that few people dare to speak out about it. Suffering in silence is considered a holy act.

But actor Hania Aamir is here to change the status quo. In a lengthy Instagram caption, she opened up about her struggles with mental health.

“I’m having an honest moment here. Things aren’t going so well these days.” [to be honest]. I haven’t been feeling well for a while now. Some days I’m fine with distractions and other days gray clouds follow me,” Aamir wrote, whose candor garnered more than 300,000 likes.

Although she knew the issue could be addressed privately, she elaborated on Instagram that she felt like her audience had grown up sharing both “real and real.” .

of Mille Humsafar The actor has tried to be as honest as possible with his followers, but claimed he feels like he hasn’t been “honest” lately. She reassured fans that her current condition was nothing to worry about and that she was doing everything she could to “get back to health.”

“I just wanted to come here and tell you that it’s okay to have dark days. It gets better. Sometimes it feels like there’s only darkness at the end of the tunnel. I get it. I’m happy for myself. All you have to do is tell yourself that you deserve to be healthy, that you need to take responsibility, ask for help from those around you, and seek out professionals,” Aamir continued, encouraging his followers to talk about mental health. I encouraged them to talk.

She stressed that there is “no shame in talking about mental health or seeking help.”

Talking about his past experiences with mental health issues, Aamir emphasized that “things get better when you give yourself love, care, and rest.”

She prayed for her recovery, but claimed she didn’t want to “pretend like I’m okay” and discouraged her fans from doing so either, as it would be “too tiring.”

“Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall wellbeing and talking about it helps reduce stigma, promotes understanding and encourages people to seek support if needed.” she wrote, adding that mental health is just as important as physical health. Asking for help was a sign of strength.

“You are not suffering alone,” the actor reminded his followers, asking them to share advice for those struggling with depression because “every little ray of hope and warmth helps.” urged.

We are in awe of Aamir’s integrity and how she is using her huge platform to raise awareness about very important issues. We want to send strength Aamir’s way and remind her readers that help is always available.

If you are struggling with a mental health issue, please contact us at: UmanPakistan’s first 24/7 mental health helpline (03117786264).

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