Home Nutrition Can Eating Sardines Really Give You ‘Glass Skin’?

Can Eating Sardines Really Give You ‘Glass Skin’?

by Universalwellnesssystems

The humble sardine has been ridiculed, quite unfairly, for years. Opening a can of small, oily fish may leave something to be desired from a culinary aesthetic standpoint, but sardines are packed with great things. A huge nutritional punch.

“One 4-ounce serving of sardines is low in calories, high in protein, and contains little to no carbohydrates.” amanda nitbart, a registered dietitian living in Kentucky. “One serving provides a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, 30-70% of your daily vitamin D needs, up to 130% of your B12 needs, and 70-90% of your daily selenium needs.”

This impressive nutritional profile is why sardines have become a new addition to many skin care routines across TikTok. Many creators claim: eat sardines regularlythey can achieve the coveted “glass skin” – skin so transparent, wet and flawless that it looks as smooth as glass.

But can eating sardines actually give you glass skin?Or is this “hacking” claim just an anecdote? We spoke to nutrition and skin experts To find out.

Function of nutrition in skin health

“Nutrition plays a major role when testing skin health or achieving specific goals regarding skin appearance,” he said. Dr. Angela Casey, a board-certified dermatologist based in Ohio. “If we don’t eat a balanced diet, we’re going to have an uphill battle.”

Before you shell out hundreds of dollars for the latest new serum, you might want to consider what’s literally on your fork.

“Often, poor skin health can be significantly improved by making small changes to your diet,” says Neidbart. “I’ve seen this a lot with the clients I work with.”

When it comes to improving skin health, Neidbart suggested incorporating nutrient-rich foods such as:

  • Vitamins C, E, A, D, K, B (including B3, B5, B7).

  • zinc.

  • selenium.

  • collagen.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids.

Sardines contain many nutrients such as selenium and vitamins B and D. And as an oily fish, sardines come into their own when it comes to providing skin-loving fats and omega-3 fatty acids.

“Fat and cholesterol are important components of our skin,” says Casey. “Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in overall health by helping regulate blood sugar levels, supporting muscle production, and slowing the aging process.”

Knowing what foods to avoid or eat less of can help improve the look and texture of your skin.

“Sugar, simple carbohydrates, and alcohol can be hard on our skin and cause inflammation. As a result, collagen and elastic fibers are broken down, making the skin more sensitive and duller in appearance.” Casey explained. “Foods with a high glycemic index, which cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, are associated with acne. Therefore, acne may be improved by changing your diet.”

that kind of food May contain white flour, potatoes, and sugar. These are all common ingredients in many highly processed foods. Sardines are considered a low-glycemic food because they contain very few carbohydrates that spike blood sugar levels.

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Katlejo Seisa (Getty Images)

“Glass skin” has no pores, no pimples, and looks dewy.

So, can eating sardines actually give you glass skin?

“It’s important to note that adding certain foods to your diet isn’t enough to improve skin health,” says Neidbart. “Adding sardines every day will definitely help replenish any important nutrients you may be missing. But for best results, you really need to look at your entire diet. Eat often. There are many foods we eat that are unhealthy for our skin.”

In addition to the usual culprits like sugar, flour, and fried or highly processed foods, Neidbart says common food allergens like corn, soy, gluten, dairy, and eggs can also affect the appearance of your skin. I pointed out that it was a possibility.

“Everyone likes easy solutions, and the ‘eating sardines for the glass skin’ fad is another example of an easy solution,” Casey said. “Sardines themselves are not the answer to achieving glass skin. There are many other factors to consider.”

In addition to a nutritious diet, healthy skin get enough sleep at night, Protect yourself from UV rays by using sunscreen, drink enough waterand properly cleanses and moisturizes the skin.

Sardines may not be the only solution to achieving your best skin, but don’t ignore them just yet.

“Sardines can be part of a healthy diet that supports glowing skin,” says Casey. “SMASH fish (salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring) are high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury, making these fish some of the healthiest options available.”

What should I do if I can’t eat sardines?

Many TikTok account Showing off how great sardines and other canned fish are, these little oily foods rightfully attracted public attention.

But sardines have a variety of benefits, and despite recent trends, some people may still not be able to get enough of them.

“If you can’t bring yourself to eat sardines, consider other food options that contain similar nutrients,” says Neidbart. “Other small fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and anchovies are rich in omega-3s, vitamin D, and vitamin B12.”

Sardines may not be a candidate for vegans or vegetarians, but some non-meat foods can provide the fats and nutrients your skin needs for growth.

“Consider using nuts and seeds like walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds,” says Neidbart. “Healthy fats like eggs, olive oil, and avocado are also very beneficial.”

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