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Benefits and How to Use It

by Universalwellnesssystems

For what seems like forever, coconut oil has been touted as the ultimate hair and scalp treatment. As far as TikTok is concerned, the term “Coconut oil for hair” It has been viewed over 33 million times and counting. But recently, both hairstylists and trichologists have shared that cedarwood oil may have scalp-specific benefits, and therefore can be highly beneficial for hair health and growth. Cedarwood oil’s positive effects on hair include excellent oil-balancing properties, making it ideal for those with consistently oily scalps and those with fine or thinning hair.

Experts also point out that cedarwood oil may have hair growth benefits due to its stimulating properties. Of course, it may be too harsh for people with sensitive skin or scalp, so it should be used accordingly. That’s why we’ve created a carefully curated guide to using cedarwood oil. Here, we share information from experts on why it could be a truly transformative ingredient when it comes to excellent scalp health and healthy hair growth. Read below to learn more about cedarwood oil for hair.

What is cedarwood oil?

“Cedarwood oil is an essential oil produced from the leaves of trees, and in some cases from the wood, roots, and stumps left after a tree is felled,” Friese explains. Philip B. points out that this unique oil is often added to perfumes because it is good for the sense of smell. “It has a warm woody aroma and is known for its various therapeutic properties,” he says. According to Johnson, cedarwood oil is “most widely extracted from Virginia cedar trees in North America.” The label says cedarwood oil, but the scientific name is Juniperus virginianaalso called Eastern Red Cedar.

Cedarwood oil benefits for hair

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“Cedarwood oil has several benefits for hair health,” says Philip B. One of his standouts is its balancing properties for both the scalp and hair. “Cedarwood oil is known to cleanse the scalp and reduce excess oil, sebum, dirt, and dandruff, which in turn helps restore oil balance and slow hair loss,” notes Johnson. Masu. All of this leads to the next notable attribute of cedarwood oil: its ability to potentially stimulate hair growth.

“Cedarwood oil has been shown to increase blood circulation to the scalp and help tighten hair follicles,” says Johnson. “It also contains soothing and antibacterial properties, which can help keep your scalp overall healthy and growth-prone, especially if you have an oily scalp.” The bottom line, says Freeze, is that cedarwood The oil’s cleansing, balancing, antibacterial, and antifungal properties mean it can help improve scalp condition and maintain a healthy head of hair.

Philip B. is a particular advocate of cedarwood oil for its ability to promote a healthy scalp environment, especially due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. “These help prevent dandruff and other scalp conditions,” he explains. “It also has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, which may promote hair growth and strengthen the hair shaft.”

How to use cedarwood oil for hair

For an easy, no-mess cedarwood oil treatment, “just adding a few drops of this mixture directly to your shampoo and conditioner may promote hair growth,” recommends Freeze. For a concentrated cedarwood oil treatment, Johnson suggests blending it. Carrier oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil “To make your own growth-friendly hair oil, blend 4 drops of cedarwood essential oil and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil, plus 2 drops of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of ginger. Add a drop of essential oil, followed by half an ounce of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, or a blend of half jojoba oil and half grapeseed oil.

It is said that applying it evenly on half-wet and half-dry hair will increase penetration. Always focus on massaging your scalp, especially the areas where hair thinning is a problem. Finish by combing all hair strands evenly. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse. If hair growth and thinning are your main concerns, repeat this treatment up to twice a week. “Left this oil mixture on your hair overnight for a thorough strengthening treatment,” Johnson added. “However, to avoid excess oiliness, apply a small amount to your scalp using a cotton swab or your fingers and massage well into your scalp.”

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When to avoid cedarwood oil for hair

“Cedarwood oil is generally recognized as: safety by the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA,” Friese said. “But if you’re allergic to cedarwood or cedarwood oil in any way, you shouldn’t use it.” Freeze says all hair types can benefit from cedarwood oil if allergies aren’t an issue. says Mr. However, you need to take certain steps and precautions to get the most out of it, especially if you have an oily scalp.

“If you have fine hair, be especially careful to rinse your hair thoroughly, as carrier oils can make your hair greasy,” Friese explains. Johnson recommends not using pure cedarwood oil directly on the scalp. “Pure cedarwood essential oil can be too strong for sensitive scalps and skin, so it’s best to dilute cedarwood oil with a carrier oil,” she explains.

To deal with an unknown allergy to cedarwood oil, Philip B. offers the following pro tips. In some cases, it can cause irritation,” he explains. “It’s important to use cedarwood oil responsibly and in moderation, as excessive use can cause skin irritation and sensitization.”


  • Is cedarwood oil good for hair?

    Yes, it is good for your hair if used correctly. “It can reduce excess oil, sebum, and dirt in your hair,” says Johnson. “Additionally, cedarwood oil has antibacterial properties, so it can also help maintain a balanced condition for your hair.”

  • Is it okay to leave cedarwood oil in my hair overnight?

    According to Philip B., the answer is simple. “Left a cedarwood oil treatment on your hair overnight for deep conditioning,” he says. “Massage a small amount into the scalp and hair, focusing on the roots, leave overnight, then shampoo and condition your hair as usual in the morning.” Note: Use an extra pillowcase or towel off your bedding. It’s a good idea to protect it.

  • Is cedarwood oil good for hair growth?

    according to one study, Cedarwood oil has been helpful in treating alopecia, a hair loss condition. “It can also be used for stress relief and relaxation, and can be helpful for people experiencing stress-related hair loss,” Freeze says. Johnson recommends a combination of cedarwood oil, rosemary oil, and coconut oil to strengthen hair.

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