Home Medicine Are my memory problems related to these 2 medications?

Are my memory problems related to these 2 medications?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Q. I was doing pretty well until I was prescribed gabapentin and amitriptyline. My memory has been rubbish ever since. I am currently being tested for dementia.

My neurologist said it couldn't be because of the medication, but I'm not sure I believe him. These drugs are ruining my life. Do you have any advice?

A. I'm worried that your neurologist hasn't done his homework. The beer list of “Potentially Inappropriate Drug Use in Older Adults'' shows drugs that can cause problems in older adults. The old-fashioned antidepressant amitriptyline interferes with the activity of the brain chemical acetylcholine, which can cause confusion and memory problems. This anticholinergic effect is associated with brain fog and other cognitive impairments.

Gabapentin is an epilepsy drug that is also prescribed for pain after a shingles attack. Many doctors prescribe it off-label for neuropathy (nerve pain).

A study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology (November 25, 2022) found a link between the drug and cognitive decline. “In conclusion, this study showed that in older adults with normal cognitive ability, initiation of gabapentin was significantly associated with clinically meaningful cognitive decline.” Functional status and Increased falls. Further research is needed to examine the risks and benefits of prescribing gabapentin in older adults. ”

Ask your neurologist to re-evaluate these prescriptions with gradual discontinuation in mind. To assist you with this process, please refer to our Guide to Drugs and the Elderly, which details the beer list. This can be found under the “Health eGuides” tab below. www.PeoplesPharmacy.com.

Q. I was able to remove the plantar wart using a liquid bandage. First, I soaked my feet in warts and let them air dry. I then roughened it up with a pumice stone and applied a liquid plaster over it. I did this every 3 or 4 days and now the warts are gone. This liquid bandage is not expensive.

A. Thank you for sharing your experience. People have tried different approaches to plantar warts (warts on the bottom of the foot). These can be difficult to eradicate.

Some people have used banana peel “plaster” on warts. Some people soak their feet in hot water (113 to 118 degrees Fahrenheit) twice a week. Superglue is also an approach that may be helpful. It is similar in some ways to liquid bandage therapy. Both use cyanoacrylate adhesive.

Readers report using liquid bandages to seal and heal painful cracks in their fingertips. They also used liquid bandages to remove skin tags.

Q. I have been using over-the-counter Primatene Mist for years to control my episodic asthma, and it has worked very well for me. My GP then prescribed an albuterol inhaler. It didn't really help in the short term, but in the long term it seemed to make my asthma worse.

A. Over-the-counter Primatene Mist contains epinephrine, a very old asthma medication. It was first commercially available in 1967, but was discontinued in 2011 due to the ban on CFC propellants. This inhaler was reintroduced in 2018 with a different propellant and is the only over-the-counter medication for mild intermittent asthma.

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Joe and Teresa Graydon respond to letters from readers in their columns. Write a letter to this newspaper's staff or send an email through the website. www.peoplespharmacy.com. Their latest book is “The Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make and How to Avoid Them'' (Crown).

(c) 2024 King features Syndicate, Inc.

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Joe and Teresa Graydon respond to letters from readers in their columns. Write to us at King features, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 or send us an email through our website. www.PeoplesPharmacy.com. Their latest book is “The Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make and How to Avoid Them.''

(c) 2023 King features Syndicate, Inc.

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