Home Mental Health Young people more likely to be off work sick than those in their 40s | UK News

Young people more likely to be off work sick than those in their 40s | UK News

by Universalwellnesssystems

People in their 20s are twice as likely as workers of the same age to miss work due to illness, a new study has found.

Young workers may die Unemployed Or, the consequences could result in them taking a lower-paying job. mental health Research has found that there are problems with their education.

The data was collected by the Resolution Foundation, a British think tank, and is funded by the charity Health Foundation, which supports cross-party governments to prevent a “lost generation” of young workers. A call to action.

The study was published as official data showing a rise in the number of young people with poor mental health.

In 2021/22, 34% of young people aged 18-24 reported symptoms of a mental disorder, including: depressionanxiety, and bipolar disorder – 10% increase compared to numbers reported in 2000.

According to the study, young women are 1.5 times more likely to be affected than young men (41% vs. 26%).

Between 2018 and 2022, around 21% of 18-24 year olds with mental health problems were unemployed, compared to 13% of those who were not unemployed, new research shows. found.

By 2022, 40% of people in the same age group with mental health problems were working in low-wage jobs, compared to 35% of their healthier peers.

Mental health problems increase risk of failing GCSEs

Around 79% of 18-24 year olds who are ‘out of work’ due to poor health are found to have qualifications below GCSE level.

This compares to a third (34%) of the entire population in the same age group, the study found.

The report also found that one in eight (12%) students aged 11 to 16 with poor mental health missed 15 or more days of school last fall term, compared to It turned out that only 1 in 50 (0.02%) of his classmates did so.

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“Mental Health Bank” fills the gap

Meanwhile, children aged 11 to 14 with poor mental health are three times more likely to fail five GCSEs, including maths and English.

A third of young people with mental health problems and without a degree are unemployed, compared to 17% of graduates who are battling an illness.

The research calls for further support to be provided to post-secondary institutions and universities, and for greater measures to be taken to ensure fewer students leave compulsory education with low qualifications.

Economic impact is most severe for non-graduates

Louise Murphy, senior economist at the Resolution Foundation, said: ‘While attention to this issue tends to focus on higher education, we should be concerned that poor mental health is leading to lower educational outcomes. This is the case when it is combined with that.”

“The economic impact of poor mental health is most pronounced for young people who do not attend university, with one in three young non-graduates with common mental disorders currently unemployed.”

Ms Murphy added that more support was needed for people retaking exams “so everyone can build up their qualifications”.

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Efforts to “increase the number of mental health staff”

read more:
Study finds mental health problems among students have tripled in recent years
Police to reduce mental health calls
Warning about mental health in prisons

director health The Health Foundation’s Joe Bibby called on policy makers to focus on the “building blocks of health” that keep people healthy. education and employment, equipping young people with the tools they need as adults.

“Without coordinated action across governments, we risk creating a ‘lost generation’ of poor health,” she added.

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The £2.5bn Back To Work scheme aims to help 1 million people, including people with long-term health conditions or disabilities, find work, a government statement said.

“This will set out tailored support to get more young people into work, with work coaches and youth hubs providing advice and guidance to help young people find the right role for them.” a spokesperson said.

Ministers added that last year they provided “record support for mental health” totaling £16 billion, including £1 billion specifically for children and young people.

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