Home Fitness York personal training team steps up to raise funds for mental health

York personal training team steps up to raise funds for mental health

by Universalwellnesssystems

TS Personal Training Team. Photo: Provided by:

York Personal Training Studio is pacing the team to raise funds for mental health charity.

Based in the Technology House on Lawrence Street, TS Personal Training is holding the 20,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge on March 29th.

“TS Swing-A-Thon Charity Challenge 2.0” aims to raise up to £2,000 for York Mind, a charity of great importance to the team.

A similar challenge last year led participants to complete a kettlebell swing of 10,000 people and raised £1,000 for the charity.

This year, they’ve even doubled both their exercises and their fundraising goals, making it “big and better.”

TS personal training. Photo: Provided by:

Owner Tom Stoll believes mental health support is an important part of what you do in the studio.

He said, “We know how much exercise we do and how to take care of ourselves physically benefits your emotional state.

“But we know that it’s more than that, and that charities like Yorkmind rely on fundraising to support those in need.”

Owner, Tom Stowe. Photo: Provided by:

The event will be held in the studio and all members will be invited to come along and support the efforts.

You can find More information and Make a donation here.

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