Home Fitness Yoga for seniors, older adult: 4 exercises to prevent joint pain, osteoarthritis | Health

Yoga for seniors, older adult: 4 exercises to prevent joint pain, osteoarthritis | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s never too late to start a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy level of fitness can lower your chances of developing many life-threatening conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer, so try new things no matter your age. you can start. Age-appropriate activities. Also, the body’s slow metabolism makes it more difficult to maintain weight loss, but maintaining physical and mental fitness is paramount, as is safe exercise.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, said: Practicing yoga regularly can help prevent joint strain, osteoarthritis, and other discomforts. Yoga keeps the mind sharp and alert while maintaining self-discipline. ”

He suggested trying these gentle asanas to improve the health, immunity, strength, and general well-being of the elderly and seniors.

1. Samastiti/Tadasana

Tadasana or Mountain Pose (Twitter/drvaaash)

Squeeze your abs together, stand tall with your big toes together and your heels together, letting your shoulders relax down and back. He takes five to eight deep breaths while tensing his leg muscles. Older people can use this pose to stay tall and strong.

advice: Try to keep your weight evenly balanced on both feet.

2. Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana or Tree Pose (Photo by Blendtopia Smoothies on Unsplash)

First, it assumes the role of samasthiti. Concentrate your weight on your left leg as you lift your right leg off the ground. Place your right foot on the inside of your thigh, or as close to your ankle or calf as possible and support it with the palm of your hand. Bring your palms together while raising your hands. Always keep your head between your arms. Similarly, extend the other leg.


• Do not perform this pose if you have shoulder, hip, knee, or ankle injuries.

• This pose should not be done by anyone with arthritis.

3. Vajrasana

Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose/Diamond Pose (Photo by Tim Chow on Unsplash)

Knees together, pelvis over heels, toes rounded outward, heels close together, big toes next to each other, palms above knees, back straight.


· Do not perform this asana if you have a knee or ankle injury. Place a pillow under your calves to cushion your knees in case you do this on a yoga mat.

4. Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend

Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend (Photo by Benn McGuinness on Unsplash)

Start with your legs extended in front of you. Extend your arms up and keep your spine straight. Exhale and bend forward, placing your upper body on your lower body. Lower your arms and grab your big toes with your fingers. Try to touch your knee with your nose. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.

Siddha Akshal of Himalaya says, “Yoga practice can be started at any age, but this is just one of the many benefits. Practicing yoga can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, and depression.” Yoga can help keep you in a good mood and eliminate mental health ailments such as depression and anxiety. Enjoy more energy and a better mood throughout the day.”

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