Home Fitness Yoga and walking can prevent disease and can reduce cancer spread

Yoga and walking can prevent disease and can reduce cancer spread

by Universalwellnesssystems

To fix an old adage, a daily walk might keep the doctor away.

A new study presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting found that 30 minutes of walking and yoga a day showed promising results in some cancer patients. Guardian These physical activities have been found to reduce fatigue and reduce the risk of cancer spread.

One potential reason why yoga has such an impact on patients has to do with inflammation. Guardian Inflammation can increase the risk of tumors spreading in the body, and yoga reduces inflammation, they say.

One of the main conclusions of the study was that exercise positively impacts patient longevity. Guardian “The results showed that people with a sedentary lifestyle had a higher risk of death. After 180 days, 90% of people in the active group were still alive, compared to those in the sedentary group. It was 74%.”

Walking and yoga have other benefits as well. Let’s see how walking and yoga can be preventative medicine.

What effect does walking have on your body?

Walking is an easy way to get aerobic exercise and help maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

Some of the Benefits of Walking, According to mayo clinicbody fat loss, positive impact on balance, mood and sleep, stress reduction, prevention of some diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and increased muscle endurance.

Other benefits of walking Harvard Health Publishing Described as amazing. Five surprising benefits listed by Harvard University are that walking “counteracts the effects of weight-promoting genes,” reduces cravings for chocolate, reduces breast cancer risk, improves joint function and contributes positively to immunity. That’s what it means.

Walking is an alternative exercise to running. NBC News “Comparing the results of the most recent National Runners Health Survey with those of the National Walker Health Survey, researchers found The energy used for moderate-intensity walking and high-intensity running resulted in similar reductions in the risk of hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease over the six-year study period. “

In addition to physical health benefits, walking also has positive effects on mental health. NBC News These positive effects include improved memory function, more creative thinking, less anxiety and depression, improved alertness, and less rumination about negative experiences.

How long should I walk each day?

National Health Service The UK recommends 150 minutes of physical activity each week, and says a 10-minute walk every day has positive health effects. To reach 150 minutes of physical activity per week, walking for 21-22 minutes each day will help you reach your goal.

There is some debate about the exact number of steps you should take each day, with researchers suggesting 8,000 or 10,000 steps a day. insider. The researchers found that 7,500 steps a day may be the number of steps needed to reap the maximum benefits of reduced mortality.

10,000 steps may be more beneficial for weight loss than 3,500 because walking longer burns more calories. insider.

how to start walking more

  1. Get comfortable shoes. Wearing the best shoes for walking may make walking more enjoyable than wearing shoes that are difficult to walk in.
  2. Pick a specific time to walk every day. Whether it’s when you wake up in the morning or during your lunch break at work, you can make it a habit to walk at the same time every day.
  3. Listen to music and podcasts. It’s important to be aware of traffic and traffic signs, especially when wearing headphones. Listening to music or podcasts can be a way to start walking. If you’re walking on a treadmill indoors, you might consider watching the show while paying attention to your own safety. This is how you will enjoy walking every day.
  4. Get an accountable partner. Taking a daily walk with a friend, or holding yourself accountable to them, will help you stick to your walking schedule and goals. Your responsibility buddy can also be your dog. Most dogs need to go for walks every day, so your dog can help you go for walks too.
  5. Create an easy-to-walk lifestyle. If you can walk to the store to pick up some items instead of getting in the car, consider doing so. If you plan to meet friends at a restaurant, try walking there. Discover different ways to walk to your destination. It’s good for you and good for the planet.

What is Yoga?

Some consider yoga to be a way of moving the body, a spiritual and meditative practice.according to medical news today“Yoga is an ancient practice believed to have originated in India. It involves movement, meditation and breathing techniques to promote mental and physical health.”

What are the benefits of yoga?

Yoga is known for its mental health benefits and is associated with meditation and mindfulness. Practicing yoga regularly has several positive effects on physical health. American Osteopathic Association Benefits of yoga include weight loss, improved breathing capacity, improved heart health, reduced blood pressure and reduced chronic pain, he said.

Yoga has other benefits, such as managing stress and improving heart health. johns hopkins medicine “Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. “Yoga can be an integral part of treatment and may speed healing.”

Other benefits Harvard Health Publishing These include increased body image satisfaction, improved mindfulness, and a positive impact on an individual’s overall fitness performance. Harvard Health Publishing “Researchers studied a small group of sedentary people who had never practiced yoga before. and improved endurance, flexibility and cardio.”

Deseret News reports that some doctors are prescribing yoga to their patients. This has helped patients gain strength and reduce pain previously thought to require surgery.

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