Home Fitness Yanet Garcia in Workout Gear Says “Let’s Train Together” — Celebwell

Yanet Garcia in Workout Gear Says “Let’s Train Together” — Celebwell

by Universalwellnesssystems

“The World’s Hottest Weather Girl” Yanet Garcia is more than just a model and TV star. The 33-year-old is a trainer and certified health coach passionate about helping her clients live their healthiest lives. Garcia shared a photo of herself wearing a lilac two-piece workout outfit and holding dumbbells in each hand. “Let’s train together,” she captioned her post. Garcia values ​​holistic health, which makes her the perfect person to promote her coaching skills. Here are her health mantras and advice:

Garcia says 100 calories of sugary soda and 100 calories of broccoli have different effects on your body, so relying on calories alone to be healthy isn’t enough. “When I plan meals, the thought of how many calories is in it almost no longer crosses my mind.” she captioned her Instagram post.. “I don’t count calories on a regular basis, and neither do you. Despite what many of us are led to believe, not all calories are equal. I don’t react to calorie cotton candy.” It’s the same as eating 100 calories of regular oatmeal. Which would you choose? For me, it’s an easy choice because I know which foods maintain my weight and make me feel healthy and energized. Nutrients necessary for growth. ”

Garcia stretches every day and encourages her clients to do the same. “Benefits of daily stretching:

– Increased flexibility and range of motion

-Improvement of posture

-Promotes circulation

– Reduce or prevent back pain

– Relieve stress and calm your mind

-Improved performance

– Reduces risk of injury

-Helps you live longer. ” she captioned her Instagram post..

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Garcia’s fitness philosophy is based on a few non-negotiables. “It was certainly a long process that required a lot of discipline, but it was worth it.” she said women’s fitness. “Believe that you can achieve it. Work hard and do something every day. Take care of your diet as it is very important. Rest and stay hydrated. Squats are really helpful in achieving your goals. It was helpful.”

Garcia doesn’t just train to look good, she wants to keep her brain healthy for as long as possible. “Health isn’t all about losing a few pounds or being free of chronic disease. It’s about being healthy, being strong, and giving your best gift to the world.” she captioned her Instagram post.. Here’s Garcia’s daily routine to improve his brain:

– Eat healthy fats 🥑

-Optimize protein 💪🏻

– Eat colorful plant foods 🥦🍎🫐🥒🍏

-Avoid sugar and processed carbohydrates ❌🍭🧁

-Move your body🏃‍♀️

– Relaxes and calms the mind 🧘‍♀️

Mr. Garcia’s advice is sound. Research shows that healthy fats from avocado, olive oil, and fish are all good for brain health, as is exercise and meditation.

Garcia loves delicious oats for a healthy and hearty breakfast. “Oats are a great way to start your day on a heart-healthy note and contain a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.” garcia says. “The fiber and protein content helps keep you satisfied between meals and slows the release of blood sugar levels. In addition to the fiber content, oats also contain nutrients such as copper, magnesium, zinc, and thiamin. It is an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals.”

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