Home Products World leaders to meet to discuss threat of hypothetical ‘Disease X’ in Davos

World leaders to meet to discuss threat of hypothetical ‘Disease X’ in Davos

by Universalwellnesssystems

World leaders meeting in Davos this week for the World Economic Forum (WEF) are expected to discuss concerns about the possibility of future pandemics that could be 20 times more deadly than COVID-19.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease is known by the alternative name “Disease Used to refer to planning trends.

A panel led by WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in a session titled “Preparedness for Disease He plans to talk about “new efforts needed to prepare for this.'' It's a pandemic, the WEF said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified disease has been positioned as a priority disease in awareness activities.

Disease X was added to the list in 2018 as the WHO sought to start discussions on tackling future global pandemics.

WHO has prioritized research and development in emergencies for all of these diseases, and said the blueprint “clearly aims to enable early cross-disciplinary research and development.” [research and development] Preparedness related to unknown disease X.”

“The number of potential pathogens globally is enormous, but disease research and development (R&D) resources are limited,” WHO said in an earlier statement.

In addition to Dr. Tedros, this Wednesday's session will include Brazil's Health Minister Nicia Trindade Lima, pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca's Chairman of the Board Michel Desmarais, Royal Philips CEO Roy Jacobs, and India's Preeta Reddy, executive vice-chairman of hospital chain Apollo, will be present.

To be clear, scientists have no idea what kind of virus could cause the next pandemic, or in other words, what Disease X might look like. I don't know yet.

Many believe it could be a coronavirus (such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes illness in Covid-19) or a new strain of influenza.

“This concept [of Disease X] That was one of the lessons we learned from this. [Covid] '' said Dr. Thomas Russo, an infectious disease expert at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

he said: “As humanity breaks through these barriers, [between humans and other species] Through live animal markets and deforestation, we need continued monitoring, research and improved biosecurity around the world. ”

He warned that Disease X could turn out to be an entirely new pathogen, one not yet known even among animals.

Finding ways to prepare to deal with the next pandemic and prevent the collapse of national health infrastructures like that seen in many countries in 2020 is now a key goal for the WHO.

British scientists say a vaccine for a potentially pandemic virus could be developed in as little as 100 days. Last August, researchers at the University of Oxford announced that they were looking at ways to adapt vaccines developed for COVID-19 to disease X. It will also consider how other vaccines can be developed to thwart future threats.

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