Home Nutrition World Kidney Day 2023: Foods to eat and avoid for repairing kidneys | Health

World Kidney Day 2023: Foods to eat and avoid for repairing kidneys | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

World Kidney Day 2023: Eating a balanced diet with the right combination of all nutrients can do wonders for keeping your kidneys healthy. However, if your kidneys are not working well, it is advisable to avoid fruits, juices, dried fruits, and anything rich in phosphorus. You should increase your salt intake as soon as possible, and also strictly stay away from packaged products that can damage your kidneys. Good management of these conditions can go a long way in helping your kidneys repair and stay healthy. (Also Read: Weak Kidneys? 6 Effective Home Remedies to Help Improve Kidney Function)

The kidneys perform a very important function of filtering waste products from the blood and excreting them out of the body as urine. It also helps balance electrolytes and other body fluids. They are usually damaged by a condition called chronic kidney disease. Dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes, berries, apples, and fatty fish are all considered kidney-friendly, but legumes, nuts, dairy, packaged foods, and foods high in sugar are not recommended for people with kidney disease. should be avoided.

World Kidney Day is celebrated on March 9th each year to raise awareness of the importance of kidneys to our overall health. Awareness of preventive behaviors, risk factors, and how to live with kidney disease is very important.

What we eat can also improve or worsen kidney health. The right kind of food can help improve kidney function.

“Diet plays an important role in the prevention, treatment, and maintenance of kidney health. The kidneys are responsible for excreting salt and water, maintaining blood pressure, and maintaining acid-base balance. The stage of the disease is affected. A kidney-friendly diet can help protect the kidneys from further damage,” said Ruchi Samdani, M.D., nephrologist and kidney transplant physician at Bhatia Hospital Mumbai.

“As a physician, I would like to emphasize that the kidneys are vital organs that play a key role in filtering and removing waste products from the body. toxins and waste products build up in the body. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that support kidney health and help repair any damage that may have occurred. Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon.

Avoid salt, sugar and carbohydrates

“First of all, it is very important to consider the general condition of the patient. If the patient has high blood sugar or is in the early stages of CKD, adequate water, reduced salt intake, sugar and artificial sweeteners are recommended. It is also recommended to avoid carbohydrates as much as possible. Always try natural sweeteners such as fruits and avoid juices and carbonated beverages.

limit salt intake

Dr. Ruchi Samdani says you should limit your salt intake to control blood pressure and limit water retention.

“Eating high-salt foods can affect your heart and kidney health. Especially if you’re salt-sensitive, it can raise your blood pressure and narrow blood vessels throughout your body, including in your kidneys, which can lead to kidney disease.” She said, “Consuming freshly prepared foods, limiting frozen, canned and packaged foods, and ‘no salt’ in cooked foods are some ways to limit your salt intake.” is.

manage chronic conditions“Due to declining kidney function, foods high in potassium (certain fruits, fruit juices, dried fruits, nuts) and phosphorus should be avoided. As kidney disease progresses, protein is also limited. By controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, potassium, water retention and inflammation, it helps repair acute kidney injury and maintain kidney health for all.

“In today’s world, people choose different dietary options, including a high protein diet. Plus, natural and plant-based proteins always outperform animal proteins,” Dr. Mittal concludes.

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