Home Fitness Women might lower their risk for cardiovascular disease by twice the amount as men with exercise

Women might lower their risk for cardiovascular disease by twice the amount as men with exercise

by Universalwellnesssystems


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The benefits of exercise are great for everyone, but they may be even better for women, According to a new study.

Although many studies have shown that any amount of physical activity can help reduce the risk of premature death, new research A paper published Monday in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that women need less exercise to reap the same benefits as men, said Dr. Cedars, director of the Institute for Healthy Aging Research at the Smit Heart Institute in Cedars. said lead author Dr. Susan Chen. – Sinai.

“In other words, for a given amount of time and effort invested in exercise, women gained more than men,” says Chen, who is also a professor of cardiology at Cedars-Sinai.

Most adults don’t meet the recommended amount of physical activity, Chen added. According to the study, adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity per week. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

In the study, more than 400,000 U.S. adults between the ages of 27 and 61 reported their physical activity levels in surveys conducted every few years by the National Center for Health Statistics from 1997 to 2019. The researchers then used National Death Index records two years after the study. Study period to track mortality from all causes, especially cardiovascular-related diseases.

Approximately 40,000 people in the study died during this period, of which 11,670 were due to cardiovascular disease, the study said.

During that period, women who exercised at least 150 minutes a week were 24% less likely to die from any cause than women who exercised less than that amount. According to the data, men who exercised for at least 150 minutes each week were 15% less likely to die than other men who didn’t reach that threshold.

Women who exercised also had a 36% lower chance of having a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular event, while men who exercised had a 14% lower risk.

Men need 300 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week to maximize mortality risk reduction, while women need 140 minutes per week to achieve the same benefit, increasing to 300 minutes per week. The risk continued to decrease over time. Research has shown.

The study was observational, meaning the data can only show a correlation between exercise and mortality risk, but the researchers cannot say that exercise is responsible for the reduced risk. However, Chen said they looked at both aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening at different intensities.

The latest research results are reliable and add to the body of evidence showing the differences in exercise outcomes between men and women and the importance of regular physical activity for health and well-being, said Director of Cardiovascular Prevention. said Dr. Andrew Freeman. and Wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver.

Physical activity is a treatment not used by enough people and prioritized by too few doctors, he added. Freeman was not involved in the study.

“If I said to my patients, “Hey, there’s a medication you can take every day that not only helps prevent heart disease, heart attacks, cancer, forgetfulness, and dementia, but also improves your mood,” people say, ‘I would go crazy,”’ Freeman said. “And the truth is, it exists. It’s just not in pill form, its sweat equity.”

Why is there such a difference in the effects of exercise for men and women?

Data shows that women tend to exercise less frequently and less frequently than men, Chen said. This could mean that women reap more benefits when they exercise.

“Another part of the problem is the pattern of social and societal norms that have historically tended to encourage more physical activity for men than for women over the lifespan. Organizing sports activities for children and adults “We still see this difference in methods, although there are some changes in trends,” she added.

Another piece of the puzzle lies in physiological differences, Freeman added.

There are many studies showing that women are more likely to improve their strength faster and to a greater extent than men, he said.

“It turns out that women are not just smaller men, they have a completely different physiology, which is suggested by both the muscle studies and this study,” Freeman said. “I think it’s really important to tailor your treatment, your therapy, your discussions based on the people in front of you.”

“We’re starting to learn that highly individualized health care based on (gender), size and ethnicity is starting to become more important and meaningful,” he added. .

But it’s difficult to know the exact reasons behind this difference, Freeman said.

“It’s always difficult to fully elucidate the exact mechanism, but whatever it is, it’s hard to refute the truth,” he said. “If it’s true that women benefit, then so be it. And why? – There may be other studies coming out that help explain that.”

Eat more plants, exercise, stress less, love more, and sleep more

“Ironically, exercise is free. The problem, of course, is that exercise takes effort,” Chen said.

But the good news is that any exercise is better than no exercise, and even limited amounts can have big benefits, she added.

“People are getting the message that this is a one-size-fits-all situation, that this is an all-or-nothing situation, that you have to do a lot of exercise regularly, or you have to exercise. We tend to get rid of it. There’s not much to gain,” Chen said.

Whether you’re working out or looking to get the most out of your existing routine, Freeman says to aim for at least 30 minutes of breathless, active activity per day. It is recommended. Of course, please consult your doctor before proceeding.

To make a habit stick, make sure the activity is something you enjoy and part of your regular routine, CNN fitness contributor Melanie Radzicki McManus says. , I said in a previous CNN article that it’s about starting slowly and building up.

And remember, there are many areas of your life that you can tweak to improve your health.

“Everyone I talk to, I tell them the main pillars of lifestyle medicine: eat more plants, exercise more, stress less, love more, and get enough sleep,” Freeman said. Told.

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