Home Fitness Woman’s Boyfriend is Pressuring Her to Track Exercise – SheKnows

Woman’s Boyfriend is Pressuring Her to Track Exercise – SheKnows

by Universalwellnesssystems

exercise It’s a very personal activity. Some do it to achieve or maintain a quantifiable fitness goal. Others do it to experience the mental and emotional benefits of regular movement.There is no right or wrong way to incorporate exercise into your life. That’s exactly why this redditor of her is so mad at her boyfriend. pressure her to follow her run When share data with him.

User @runningdali made a pit stop /Am I The Asshole Subreddit for some insight into a complicated situation with her boyfriend. Both she and her BF are avid runners, but usually run solo. While he “loves to track running” and pays close attention to speed and training plans, she simply enjoys the meditative nature of the sport.

“I go out and run at a speed that feels good that day and for a length that feels good that day. I go wherever it’s cool and scenic,” she explained. “Usually she runs for 30 to 60 minutes, varying greatly in speed, depending on my mood and energy level.”

@runningdali has such a laid back approach to running that she and her BF thought he would be faster. “I was really surprised because I was just running to relieve my anxiety,” she recalls. I don’t care what happens to Ran. It’s great to be outdoors and feel connected to your body. But my boyfriend really wanted to know how I did it. He thought I must have been doing something for training.

Since then, her BF has pressured her to borrow his Apple Watch and record her speed every time she runs. That’s the point, she explained. [because] I feel like tracking and analyzing things ruins my enjoyment. But literally every time he got mad at me, he would talk to his running buddies and say things like “runs that aren’t tracked don’t count” and “that’s basically blasphemy” (kinda jokingly, but still ) even said. “Don’t you want to know the progress?”

WowNeedless to say, all exercises are good whether you track them or not.Plus @rundali and her girlfriend run half marathons a few times each year so she do Have a reliable way to measure her progress. She tried giving her girlfriend informal advice, but he kept resisting and urging her to follow her exercise.

“I think he’s probably feeling a little uneasy. [that] I’m trying to run better in that race and figure it out,” she admitted. AITA for not tracking my runs when my runner boyfriend wants to see it?

In general, AITA Redditors were team @runningdali.

“Don’t care about the NTA,” wrote one commenter. “Your boyfriend is insecure and envious of you. The fact that you had an easy time at the race probably hurt his fragile ego.” Untracked runs count. No” is complete bullshit. No need to track execution. You don’t want to ruin the fun of running, so stand your ground.

“Tell him to stop turning your healthy coping mechanisms into another source of stress,” another user added.

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