A woman with multiple personalities nearly vomited on the witness stand as she relived her father’s alleged child sexual abuse.
Warning: This story contains graphic content.
The defendant, known only as SN, is on trial at Newcastle District Court after pleading not guilty to charges of abusing two children, including LN.
LN has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and has been cross-examined as three separate identities, also known as alters.
One of her alter egos, a rebellious 13-year-old girl, was sworn in this morning.
Defense attorney Garry Sundstrom questioned the defendant about the evidence she presented about the alleged use of sex toys.
“I told you that wouldn’t happen, but you were never asked to choose a sex toy, right?” he said.
The girl jerked back and stared.
“You’re wrong,” she said, “I put you in a cage bed in a cabbage patch. You know what I said.”
Newcastle District Court has ruled that the woman suffers from dissociative identity disorder as a result of the alleged abuse. (ABC News: Michael Parfitt)
“I felt like throwing up.”
The girl, LN, then spoke about being forced to go to the bathroom “to prevent infection that would make people ask questions” following allegations of sexual abuse.
The defense also dismissed allegations that LN’s father tried to strangle her on the delivery bed or that SN suggested the world would end because of their daughter.
“I can still feel his hand around my throat… You’re wrong,” she said.
Immediately after that, she felt light-headed and said, “I felt like throwing up.”
Her witness support worker left her side to retrieve her hospital bag.
“I’m just trying not to throw up. Dad said the world was ending,” LN’s alter ego said.
“I’ll tell you that neither parent told you that,” Sandstrom said.
“You’re wrong,” she said.
Judge Ian Burke told the jury they needed a break and before leaving the courtroom, deputy LN said he was “feeling unwell”.
Earlier Wednesday, LN spoke about her personality change and how she was allegedly forced to touch her father in the bath, a claim the defense vehemently rejected.
Sandström also told LN that the girl’s father never threatened to kill her.
“It’s a lie, they tried to kill me with a gun and a knife, you’re a liar because you’re lying,” she said.
“I don’t think they told you that,” Sundstrom repeated.
“You’re saying I’m wrong…you’re wrong,” she said.
Defense attorney Gary Sundstrom is cross-examining LN. (ABC News)
old altar in the witness box
On Tuesday, LN entered the witness stand as his older alter ego. A confident and outspoken 38-year-old woman, her role was to care for and protect LN’s baby sister.
“Our brains saw a need and I was created… abuse created me,” the weirdo said.
The older woman said she knew she was needed “when I needed protection” and that it was caused by “triggers and certain actions of people.”
“Touching feet, removing condoms, raising voices, breaking glass, children screaming…Threats get my attention,” she said.
During questioning by the defense, the woman claimed that she punched a member of the defense team and that the lawyer laughed at her.
“Your subordinate laughed, sexual assault is not funny… nothing is funny in this situation,” said the LN woman.
“I don’t appreciate being looked down upon.”
LN’s brother NT has not yet given evidence.