Home Products Woman who thought her new love interest was ghosting her finds out he was hit by a car in a horrific accident that left him in a coma

Woman who thought her new love interest was ghosting her finds out he was hit by a car in a horrific accident that left him in a coma

by Universalwellnesssystems

By Mackenzie Tatanani, Dailymail.Com

Updated June 4, 2024 07:11, June 4, 2024 08:18

A California couple is making the most of life after a horrific accident almost ended their chances of being together.

Cody Bryant and Haley Woloshyan met in Hawaii in 2022. They discovered they lived just a mile apart in Los Angeles and immediately hit it off.

The two spent a few weeks together, but then Bryant suddenly stopped responding to Woroshen’s messages, leading her to believe he was ignoring her.

The reality was quite different: Bryant was hit by a car while riding his moped in Ibiza, leaving him severely injured and in a coma.

Woroshen happened to GoFundMe A campaign launched by Bryant’s friends and family to help cover his medical expenses.

Cody Bryant and Haley Woroshen quickly became close during a trip to Hawaii in 2022, but Woroshen became concerned when Bryant stopped responding to her messages.
She later learned that her crush had been hit by a car while riding a moped in Ibiza, leaving her seriously injured and in a coma.

After months of rigorous rehabilitation, the two reconnected, but Waroshen soon learned that Bryant had suffered a traumatic brain injury and could not remember their time together.

“Emotions started building up, although neither of us were expecting it. I joke that she got me hooked again,” Bryant wrote in an Instagram post.

He was eventually allowed to return to his Hermosa Beach home, where he lived with three roommates, all the while undergoing physical, occupational and speech therapy.

The accident left him hemiplegic, or partially paralyzed, and doctors feared he would never walk again.

But Bryant was determined to rise to the challenge: In March, he and Woloshyan attended a wedding in Guatemala, and Bryant completed a bucket list goal: climbing Acetenango Volcano.

“Before my accident I had attempted many famous treks around the world and sadly thought I would never be able to do this again,” Cody explained.

“I still struggle with balance and coordination so I slipped and fell a lot when descending the slippery, steep and uneven ground. Thankfully, Haley’s cheerleading skills came in handy and helped me minimise the impact.”

The two reconnected as Bryant continued to undergo rigorous treatment.
Doctors feared he would never walk again, but Bryant persevered and managed to complete a volcano hike that was on his bucket list.

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Bryant used a walking stick and two medical braces and took frequent breaks. Once he reached base camp, he and Woloshen watched smoke billow from the volcano’s mouth and the results of his efforts were soon apparent.

“Every step is a victory and reaching the summit means more than words can describe,” Bryant wrote in a GoFundMe update. “I plan to continue climbing mountains like these (literally and figuratively) as I recover.”

With great progress come even greater challenges, which Bryant detailed in his April update.

“I’ve worked hard to maintain a positive attitude so far and don’t want to lose that, but I will be more open about the challenges I don’t see,” he wrote.

“The sentence ‘I wish I’d been missing a limb instead of brain damaged’ appeared many times in my journals. Losing your conscious mind is terrifying.”

Bryant has retained much of his long-term memory, but his recollections of the past few years have been patchy — he can’t remember the fateful European trip that put him in a coma, nor the year after.

“My brain can’t ‘autosave’ anymore, so I write everything down,” he explained. “My attention span is so elusive that I often lose track of what I’m doing. I’ve been born with a poor sense of time, so I rely entirely on the clock.”

Woroshen only learned the tragic truth when he stumbled across a GoFundMe page.
The two continued to rebuild their lives together, and Woloshyan was by Bryant’s side every step of his recovery.
Woroshen soon discovered that the accident had left Bryant with no memory of their first meeting.

Bryant explained that frustration over having a foggy, foggy mind often manifests itself in motor function.

“My feet start to drag, my toes curl, my hands shake or tilt to the side. At times my brain becomes exhausted and illogical and I have a hard time connecting cause and effect. Brain injury has permeated my entire life.”

He remains focused on his recovery through psychotherapy, memory training, meditation and other treatments.

Future goals include relearning to write, run and swim. Above all, Bryant refuses to give up hope.

“I’ve always believed that the way a person thinks is very powerful, and my recovery has only strengthened that belief,” he said.

GoFundMe motion The campaign raised more than $150,000 of its $200,000 goal.

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