Home Products Woman Says She’ll Give A ‘Black Eye’ To The Next Mom She Sees Feeding Her Baby In Public

Woman Says She’ll Give A ‘Black Eye’ To The Next Mom She Sees Feeding Her Baby In Public

by Universalwellnesssystems

It is disappointing that breastfeeding in public is still debated in this day and age. When it comes to public debate about breastfeeding, most people expect other women to have each other’s backs and support each other in keeping their babies nourished and healthy. You’ll expect

A woman shocked the community after posting a demeaning message on Facebook aimed at breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Many have called for the woman to be fired for her choice of threatening language.

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The woman said she would “close her eyes” the next time she saw a mother breastfeeding in public.

South Carolina’s Carly Clark sparked a Facebook war after publicly posting her own personal and hateful beliefs about breastfeeding despite being a mother herself . In her now-deleted post, she claimed that Clark physically harmed her upcoming breastfeeding mother and baby, whom she saw in public in front of her own child. Did.

“I’m sorry. The next woman who tries to breastfeed by plucking her boobs in front of my children will have black eyes,” Clarke wrote. “I’ll hit you too, so move that girl.”

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It didn’t take long for other parents to call out the ignorant woman. Encourage her to post a follow-up thread before deleting her post entirely. Clark claims her words were directed specifically at one woman, who has not publicly named her, who shows up at her workplace to breastfeed her baby. She tried to defend herself.

“Do what you love, but I think it’s very immature to go out of your way as a mother to a place where you know I work and breastfeed,” she wrote.

She also clarifies that she has no problem with breastfeeding in general, but is against anyone breastfeeding around children. Pulling out your boobs is simply represented by who you are as a person,” she adds.

Many people were offended by her comments. Some of her Facebook users shared her profile with others after she deleted her post to warn others of her hateful and threatening rhetoric.

People urged Clark to quit his job.

Some disgruntled Facebook users alerted Clark’s employers at PetSense in Gaffney, South Carolina, where Clark worked as a manager and pet groomer. A statement regarding the post was issued immediately.

“Petsense holds its employees to the highest standards of ethical and personal conduct. We will never tolerate violence like the one recently posted by a former Petsense employee,” the company said on its Facebook page. Stated.

“These are her personal views and do not reflect the views of Petsense or its employees. This individual is no longer employed by Petsense. We apologize.”

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Facebook users are happy with Petsense’s quick and effective action. “Angry violent girl willing to hit her baby because she’s hungry… Good luck with your job search tomorrow,” commented one user.

Breastfeeding is a natural and common experience between mother and baby and should not be banned or frowned upon. Breast milk has been proven to have many health benefits for both mother and baby. .

Nothing deserves a baby or mother to turn a blind eye to by participating in the natural feeding process.

RELATED: Australian mom banned from breastfeeding because she got tattoos

Megan Quinn is a writer for YourTango, covering entertainment and news, self, love and relationships.

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