When your loved one is diagnosed with an incurable disease, it naturally evokes all of the emotions that are difficult to navigate.
And when is that person your child? You must face the worst fears, feeling completely out of control.
It is therefore understandable that people may turn to alternatives to traditional medicine that take into account incurable conditions in the first place.
However, a few decades later, a woman This story She is trying to convince her mother that she is not interested in these alternative healing methods.
And finally, her mom said something that would completely turn her over.
Find out how their relationship was tested.
I am a 35-year-old woman and have had an incurable autoimmune disease since I was a teenager.
My mother (56) has been trying to find something close to the treatment for years.
I understand that parents do what they can to help their children in need. However, the “treatment” that I was designed to try did not help at all.
I was actually not taking medication in years as I was pushed towards alternative treatments. At one point I found a good doctor and put myself in medicine that would help me stabilize.
Yikes. Let’s see how the mother’s “alternative” treatment inhaled her.
A few years ago, she found a group that taught you several energy healing programs. She will participate in classes and additional sessions through Zoom.
The program teaches people to correct/heal themselves and others via telepathy.
I’ve seen their website before. This describes a biocomputer that can be modified via human WiFi using binary code.
Find out how women tackled the problem.
I tried to talk to her before, but it didn’t go anywhere. I bit my tongue from the last time to maintain peace.
But today, she said something that completely blows my heart away. She nurtured the way that several women helped her treatments improve.
I laughed and continued talking about how she could help people to heal. She then said her doctor could cure cancer.
I lost it. I laughed, and she was doubled.
you know. Let’s see how mom reacted.
She said she was doing it for me.
So I said, why am I still not cured? I then began to rant that she was being sucked into yet another plan.
Instead of listening to me and my needs (emotional support would be good), she explained that she was obsessed with the program and was paying for these courses.
A lot was said and I fumed shortly afterwards.
He probably was able to move on by saying, “Amazing, cool.” I know that some people believe in things like this, and maybe I could have let it go.
Certainly, moms may be impressive and desperate to help their daughter.
However, her light-like form of treatment for alternative treatments actually puts her daughter’s health and relationship in a very bad place.
And this woman is now 35 years old. She deserves her medical choices.
Let’s see how people on Reddit responded to this.
This person had similar experiences and shared advice.
And another Redditor revealed the mother’s narcissistic tendencies.
The commenter was mad at the impact on other impressive patients.
She’s trying to control her, but that’s not okay.
If you enjoy the story, read this about a mother who was forced to bring three children to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting her dream job.