Home Fitness Why you should do mobility exercises for a pain-free life

Why you should do mobility exercises for a pain-free life

by Universalwellnesssystems

Mumbai-based film director and actor Takesh Singh began having neck problems two years ago. A 43-year-old man had severe stiffness around his neck and had difficulty turning his head to the side, even for a moment. For Singh, who has spent most of his life in sports and exercise, this was both strange and concerning.

“My body has always functioned well. I walk or jog every day, go to the gym, and watch my diet. I couldn’t dismiss it as being due to awkward sleeping positions and pillow changes.This was worrisome, so I consulted a sports physiotherapist,” Singh recalls.

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He found the symptoms to be a result of lack of motor skills and spending too much time sitting in front of a screen. The good news was that this condition was easily reversible with simple daily exercise training. Since his diagnosis, Singh has been doing mobility exercises at least four times a week, apart from his regular training. “No matter how busy I am, I don’t want to suffer like I did two years ago, so I do 15-minute movement exercises three to four times a week,” he says.

Like Singh, you may have heard the term “mobility exercise” at the gym, but you’re not quite sure what it means. Too many people don’t quite understand what exactly “mobility” refers to. Abrar Khan Wariyah, co-founder and head coach of Gridiron Fitness Studio in Kolkata, defines mobility as active control of joints that requires a combination of strength and flexibility. He also adds that flexibility is different from mobility.

“Flexibility is defined as the passive control of joints, and flexibility training or stretching produces a temporary change in tissue. Flexibility is the ability of muscles to passively stretch. , but mobility and flexibility are incompatible,” he added.

In layman’s terms, mobility is stretching through the movement component, says Mumbai-based personal trainer Pretesh Manas. Mobility exercises allow joints to reach their full range of motion, making them more flexible, he adds. No matter who you are or what you do, everyone from beginners to fitness enthusiasts to professional athletes should do mobility exercises. Mobility work helps people live active, pain-free lives and enables athletes and athletes to move freely and effectively.

“Ideally, warm-up and mobility work should go hand in hand in any training plan. But the warm-up is workout-specific and its sole purpose is to increase core body temperature and blood flow to reduce the risk of injury.” Waryah. It requires a bottom-up approach aimed at working major moving parts of the body such as ribs/chest and shoulders.

“Mobility is an important part of life,” said Vaibab Daga, Head of Sports Science and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Consultant at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai. “Mobility helps fitness enthusiasts perform better and prevent injuries. picking up objects, crouching, reaching to retrieve something from the top shelf, jumping over puddles while walking, etc. all require free movement of muscles and joints. If you’re not ready to handle simple stress, it’s very likely that you’ll get some sort of injury,” he added.

Mobility work also improves joint health, which indicates mobility and flexibility of muscle fibers. It also helps maintain joint health and muscle and postural balance, improving performance and balance, says Manas.

Ideally, you should do mobility at least three times a week before every workout, whether it’s lifting, running, HIIT, or any kind of training, but many people, including fitness coaches, neglect mobility work. Most coaches agree that they often do.

“Athletes and bodybuilders who focus on their body shape typically have impaired mobility,” says Manas from industry experience. “Also, the general public neglects mobility training despite the high incidence of nasty problems such as back, shoulder and neck problems.” is time-consuming with no tangible benefit, and mobility is largely ignored unless it’s a performance sport,” says Manas.

Pritesh Manas Top 4 Mobility

– World’s biggest stretch

– From quadrupeds to downward facing dogs

-T-spine rotation

-90-90 hip stretch

Vaibab Daga Top 4 Mobility

-spiderman lunge

-Assisted deep squat

– From quadrupeds to downward facing dogs

– cat cow

Shrenik Avlani is a writer and editor, how to do shiv fita book on functional fitness.

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