Home Products Why Women Live Longer Than Men — And How Relationships Affect Your Longevity | Keith Dent

Why Women Live Longer Than Men — And How Relationships Affect Your Longevity | Keith Dent

by Universalwellnesssystems

Guys, if you are happily married or looking for the love of your life, know that “till death do us part'' will probably come sooner for you than for her. Please be prepared.

on averageWomen live longer than men in the United States.

If you're worried, don't get discouraged.

Although longevity depends largely on genetics, there are also other factors to learn about how you and your loved ones can live as long as possible.

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Here's why women live longer than men and how relationships affect longevity.

1. Y chromosome

Females of almost all species live longer than males.

It is generally for the following reasons two “X” chromosomes This is to back up women in the event of a genetic mutation. A man, on the other hand, has only one “X” chromosome to express all his genes, whether damaged or not.

2. Estrogen

believed Estrogen functions almost as a defense mechanism Testosterone protects against DNA damage, but testosterone does not.

Combine this with the fact that women have the ability to bear children while men wilt with a little cold, and we don't stand a chance.

3. Reduce risk

Men are helpless and tend to take too many risks, which leads to their own destruction.

On the other hand, most women think about the consequences before taking action.

Related: Secrets to living a long life from people over 100 years old

4. Healthy lifestyle

Women also tend to lead healthier lifestyles. They pay more attention to their overall health and often visit their doctor regularly.

Now that you know why your girlfriend or wife lives longer than you, what does it mean for your relationship?

It makes a lot of sense if you are in a healthy and loving relationship.

The less stress we have, the longer our lifespan will be.

In a large study of 127,545 American adults, Researchers at Harvard Medical School “Married men were found to be healthier than unmarried men and men whose marriages ended through divorce or bereavement.”

This is partly because men in happy relationships have stronger immune systems due to lower cortisol levels.

5. Exposure to cortisol

Excessive exposure to cortisol can increase your risk for several health problems, including anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, headaches, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, and poor memory and concentration. There is a gender.

Related: Research shows the state of mind that helps you live longer

6. The power of love

Men tend to be risk-averse when it comes to love. They take more risks in life, but they usually don't take as many risks when in a healthy relationship. They are also more likely to undergo regular medical check-ups and listen to their doctors' advice. (I think your partner has something to do with it too.)

Being in a healthy relationship also means their mental health is likely to be good overall.

It's no secret that men fail on every level when they're not in a relationship.

They tend to be isolated with less social interaction, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. Happy relationships combat this dilemma because they balance a sense of independence with a willingness to rely on your partner.

Although men are socialized to be independent, being emotionally dependent on others is essential to all well-being. This relationship brings additional confidence, positive approval and a sense of security.

If a man can improve his quality of life through a deep emotional connection with the woman he loves, his mental and physical health is more likely to remain intact.

So in the end, it's statistically more likely that your wife will outlive you, but the happier your relationship is, the longer you'll live too.

The words happy spouse, happy home have never sounded more true.

Related: The secret to living a long life (hint: relationships with friends)

Keith Dent is an author, blogger, and certified empowerment coach.he is the author of In the Paint: How to Win at the Game of Love.

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