Home Mental Health Why One Expert’s Treatment Plan For Anxiety Has Clients Calling Her The Mind Detective | Michele Molitor

Why One Expert’s Treatment Plan For Anxiety Has Clients Calling Her The Mind Detective | Michele Molitor

by Universalwellnesssystems

For many people, anxiety can be debilitating and overwhelming.

It's scary, the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night with your heart racing, your palms sweaty, and your head feeling light-headed.

This feeling of fear can take over your body and manifest as other physical symptoms such as chronic migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, and high blood pressure.

Related: The hidden (and most dangerous) symptoms of anxiety

If you find yourself procrastinating, hiding, or simply avoiding the things that once brought you joy, happiness, and success, we have good news for you. With the right treatment plan for anxiety, you can overcome these feelings and regain your joy.

Over the past 20 years, I have worked with thousands of people, helping them quiet their inner voices of fear and calm their hearts, minds, and spirits.

My clients call me a detective of the mind. Because my anxiety treatment plan helps people get to the root cause of their suffering, anxiety, and often physical pain.

Your mind is a powerful place.

Your subconscious mind holds the key to many of the ideas, beliefs, and habits you have practiced throughout your life.

The difficulty is that you can't easily access your subconscious mind from your conscious state, so you can't get to the stubborn beliefs that are causing your pain.

Just knowing that something is wrong can make you feel that way.

Through my work, I've realized that most of us have unkind thoughts about ourselves deep in our subconscious.

These limiting beliefs are often formed in childhood as a way to cope with the situations life throws at us.

Your brain does not yet reach its full growth and capacity until you are approximately 24 years old. Prefrontal cortex is fully formed. This is the part of the brain that is important in impulse control, risk-taking behavior, and judgment.

Because young people's brains are still building, it is difficult for them to think critically and rationally before making complex decisions, especially when it comes to understanding who they are in the world and how to stay safe. It's difficult to think about what's good.

This makes it nearly impossible for them to process their emotions when faced with hardship or trauma at an early age.

As children, our brains are like sponges, just taking in information. And when parents and caregivers repeatedly tell them they're not good enough, stupid, or worthless, their young brains accept that information as fact.

RELATED: The connection between anxiety and your stomach is real — here's how it works

They simply aren't equipped to understand that their words and actions probably had little to do with you, your precious child, and everything to do with their own hurt, fear, and lack of self-worth and self-love. .

In short, I have some junk in my trunk, my friend. Old baggage that others in your life put there and that you've been carrying around with you for years, believing it to be the truth about who you are.

The truth that your value, worth, abilities, and who you are is enough.

These false beliefs are at the heart of your anxiety.

In my work as a coach and hypnotherapist, I have many times helped clients identify root causes. We found out exactly where they adopted and subsequently changed their limiting beliefs about themselves.

By having them relax into an alpha brainwave state (half awake, half asleep), I am able to help my clients access beliefs held deep within their subconscious programming. .

Here you can access and rewrite ideas about yourself that are sometimes hidden or completely buried. Overwrite the old, worn-out grooves in your neural pathways with new, empowering beliefs about yourself.

In this alpha brainwave state, scenes and events from the past come to the surface and can be reviewed through the adult brain.

Tap into the rational mind of a fully formed adult to make new decisions about yourself, your worth, your value, and the brilliance you bring to the world.

This process is combined with customized “transformational recordings” that I create for each client.

Their recordings, mixed with the relaxing binaural beat music they listen to as they fall asleep each night, instill new empowering thoughts, habits, and strategies for success.

Listening to these unique recordings repeatedly for 30 days rewires your brain with new neural pathways for seeing yourself and the world.

You may be wondering, “How is this different from just saying positive affirmations to yourself?”

Related: Simple tricks to calm anxiety that most therapists won't tell you

This is the answer. Even if you communicate these positive beliefs to your conscious mind, if they are built on a flawed foundation of negative beliefs in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will always win.

To stay, grow, and thrive, it's important to release old beliefs and replace them with positive changes.

I'm called a mind detective because I help my clients find clues hidden deep in their subconscious that keep them stuck in patterns of fear, anxiety, worry, and lack of self-esteem that continue to affect them into adulthood. Because I'm doing it. .

We find various clues that you can connect to to better understand how you came to believe the beliefs you have believed for years.

Then consciously choose a new belief to instill in its place.

And with that understanding comes immense power over anxiety and the brain.

The power to restore peace of mind and allow you to be fully yourself. completely imperfect.

I use something unique Fast rewiring process We create an anxiety plan that includes a powerful combination of treatments to help clients reset their beliefs and thoughts about themselves in 90 days.

It is based on years of research in the fields of coaching, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, somatic therapy, Reiki, neurolinguistic programming, neuroscience, and epigenetics and produces long-lasting results.

It is possible to rewire your thoughts and regain peace of mind.

One client recently told me that our work together was a “complete transformation” for her, who has struggled with anxiety her entire life.

She found greater freedom in being her authentic self and was able to approach work and life with greater joy, satisfaction, passion, and purpose.

What old beliefs are you ready to let go of?

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, there are ways to get help. Call SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or text “HELLO” to 741741 to connect to the Crisis Text Line.

Related: 6 things you don't realize you're doing because you have high-functioning anxiety

Michelle MolitorCPCC, CHt, is a certified coach and hypnotherapist and co-author of the book. breakthrough healing. She helps high-achieving professionals feel less overwhelmed and regain confidence, calm, and clarity so they can build fulfilling lives and careers.

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