Home Mental Health Why is this generation so ‘depressed’? Gen Z man’s theory goes viral on the internet

Why is this generation so ‘depressed’? Gen Z man’s theory goes viral on the internet

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s a huge huss and burnout is coming!
And follow fatigue, fatigue and mental illness.
According to current research, “this generation” is often referred to as Generation Z, and is thought to be more susceptible to depression than the previous generation, and the reporting rate of depression and anxiety among younger adults in this age group was significantly more likely. It shows that it is high. Essentially, yes, this generation is seen as more depressed than the previous generation.

Gen Z Depression (1)

The 24-year-old marketing agency owner, who lives in Tampa, Florida, recently sparked debate after sharing the theory about why Gen Z is depressed. Christian Bonier shared in Tiktok that he “place 3,” that he believes Gen Z is struggling because of the lack of a communal environment outside of work or home.
The video on social networking platforms has already received over 600,000 views.
“Our generation is so depressed because we don’t have a third place,” Bonnier said in the video. He said that previous generations have three important places: work, home and social gatherings. Whether it’s a local pub, golf course or weekly Darthreeg, these spaces provided a sense of community and belonging that he believes is disappearing now.

“3rd place”

“3rd place” means home (“1st place”) and work (“second place”) where local coffee shops, parks, communities, etc. can gather together to build a community for informal interactions. It refers to another social space. Center; The term was popularized by sociologist Ray Oldenberg in his book The Great Good Place (1991).
Oldenburg emphasized the importance of informal public spaces, such as cafes, pubs and community centres, in promoting relationships and well-being. “For many, living without a community has created a lifestyle that is primarily composed of work and double shuttles from home,” he added.Social happiness Psychological health is dependent on the community. ”
In his viral video, Bonnier argued that modern life often leaves only people in two or one major environment in the home. With the rise of remote work, many people rarely leave their homes and are even more isolated. He said, “The sense of community, the sense of belonging, the social gatherings people rely on every day are completely gone from our generation. We need to meet people, go out with friends and be social.”

Gen Z Depression (2)

Internet Take:

The video attracted the attention of Tiktok users who shared their reaction in the comments.
Teya Felicity said, “You can still go to pubs/golf/darts… It’s not a changed space, it’s people… we don’t socialize or hang out anymore,” Daniel said. Rich disagreed and said, “There’s no place for young adults (clubs don’t count terrible things) to make new friends without spending time drinking (a lot of people don’t do it now), so it’s very I’m lonely.”
Other netizens said the problem was rising costs of living. This means that people can’t afford to spend time in “3rd place.”
“We can’t even afford it,” he wrote, but Ken added. You will rub to buy only your home. ”

So what should we do?

How can I solve the “3rd place” problem?
According to Bonnier’s proposal, when it comes to fighting the lack of “third place,” “people can counter this by looking for local groups like Gym, Run Club and Book Club.”
He also called for the revival of traditional communal spaces: “Take home a local pub. Reclaim the league of darts. Reclaim the golf league. Outside your job, out of your home. , something you do regularly to make a part of.”

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