Home Mental Health Why is a messy house such an anxiety trigger for me and what can I do about it?

Why is a messy house such an anxiety trigger for me and what can I do about it?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the mess and clutter in your home? Don’t you? You may have argued over yourself more than your partner or housemate.

You are not alone. Many people report that a cluttered home can trigger feelings such as: stress and anxiety.

So why are some of us so overwhelmed by clutter and chaos? Here are the findings and what you can do about it.

Have you ever felt like being messy is more annoying than your partner or housemate?
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Read more: Sorry guys, there’s no such thing as ‘dirty blindness’ – you just need to do more housework

cognitive overload

When surrounded by distractions, our brains essentially: battlefield to pay attention. All compete for our focus.

But the brain, after all, prefer order andsingle task” Beyond multitasking.

Order reduces competition for our attention and reduces mental strain. Some people are better than others, ignore distractionsdistracting environments can overload our cognitive abilities and memory.

Clutter, chaos, and chaos can affect more than our cognitive resources.they are also linked to us eat, Productivitymental health, child rearing Even a decision or an intention to donate money.

A woman looks at the camera while standing in a messy room.
Confusion can have a huge impact on your mental health.
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Are women more susceptible than men?

Studies show that the negative effects of clutter and clutter may be more pronounced in women than in men.

One study Among 60 dual-income couples, women who lived in cluttered, stressful homes had higher cortisol levels. hormone associated with stress), worsening symptoms of depression.

These effects remained consistent even when factors such as marital satisfaction and personality traits were taken into account. In contrast, the men who participated in this study appeared to be less affected by the state of their home environment.

Researchers have theorized that women feel a greater responsibility to maintain the household. They also suggested that the social aspects of the study (such as conducting home visits) may have caused more fear of judgment in women than in men.

We all end up living with some level of turmoil and confusion in our lives. However, in some cases, significant clutter issues may be associated with underlying mental health conditions such as: Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Accumulation disorder, major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorderand anxiety disorder.

This raises an important question: Which came first? Clutter can be a source of anxiety and distress for some people. For some people, mental health issues can cause chaos and confusion.

Not all confusion is a problem

It’s important to remember that clutter isn’t all bad, and you shouldn’t aim for perfection. The real house is not the house in the magazine.

In fact, unorganized space Creativity and uncover fresh insights.

Living in constant mess is not productive, but striving for cleanliness perfectionism can also backfire. Perfectionism itself can be overwhelmed, anxious, poor mental health.

A man cleaning an already tidy house.
We shouldn’t aim for perfection.
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I’m worried about it getting dirty, what should I do?

It’s important to remember that you have a degree of autonomy in what is important to you and how you prioritize your time.

One approach is to try to reduce clutter. For example, say you have a dedicated tidying up session every week. This might include hiring a cleaner (if you can afford it) or playing music or a podcast while spending her one hour cleaning up with other family members.

Establishing this routine will reduce distractions from clutter, reduce overall mental strain, and reduce the worry that clutter will spiral out of control.

You can also try microtiding. If you don’t have time to do a full clean, give him five minutes to clear one small space.

If another member of your family is the main cause of your clutter, try to calmly discuss how this clutter is affecting your mental health. Have your children, your partner, or housemates set some boundaries as a family about what level of disruption is acceptable and how it will be handled if that threshold is crossed. See if you can negotiate.

A man and a child are sorting the laundry together.
Managing clutter is a job for the whole family.
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It also helps you develop a compassionate way of thinking about yourself.

Confusion does not define whether you are a “good” person or a “bad” person. Creativity. Remind yourself that you deserve success, meaningful relationships, and happiness, whether your office, home, or car is cluttered or not.

stay comfortable the study This suggests that while undisciplined environments are prone to stress and poor decision-making, mindsets can mitigate these vulnerabilities.

If clutter, perfectionism, or anxiety start to seem unmanageable, talk to your doctor about a referral to a health care provider. psychologist. The right psychologist (you may need to try a few before finding the right one) can help you build a life based on the values ​​that matter to you.

Clutter and confusion are more than just visual annoyances. They can have a huge impact on our mental health, productivity, and our choices.

When you understand why clutter affects you, you can take control of your thoughts, your living space, and your life.

Read more: Men Recognize Confusion – They’re Just Not Judged For It Like Women

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