Home Nutrition Why Every Newborn Needs a Vitamin K Shot

Why Every Newborn Needs a Vitamin K Shot

by Universalwellnesssystems

Childbirth is a confusing time, even under the most ideal circumstances. In the early hours after giving birth, doctors take many additional measures to keep everyone healthy. Giving a newborn a vitamin K injection. Vitamin K injections, which have been routinely given since 1961, are one of the lesser-talked-about measures despite their important role in protecting newborns from the risk of serious complications. as excessive bleeding.

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting

Vitamin K is fat soluble vitamins It is stored in the liver and is important for blood clotting and maintaining healthy bones. Older children and adults get vitamin K through dietary sources such as eating leafy greens, eggs, and meat. Vitamin K is also produced by certain bacteria that live in our gut.

Newborns receive only a very limited amount of vitamin K in the womb. And after birth, breast milk contains only limited amounts of vitamin K, and it takes time for the bacteria that produce vitamin K to fully colonize the gut. “It takes time for the body to store vitamin K,” says pediatrician Christina Fok. UT Health Houston.

Newborns are deficient in vitamin K

As a result, babies are at increased risk of bleeding problems during the first few months of life due to vitamin K deficiency. “Small cuts and cuts don’t necessarily cause bleeding problems,” says Fok. However, a major concern is that intestinal or cerebral hemorrhage may affect development.

“Birth itself is a traumatic event,” Fok said. “Whether it’s a vaginal delivery or a Caesarean section, they have to enter and exit a tight space.” accompanies in most cases, Cerebral hemorrhage due to dystocia becomes mildAlthough there are few symptoms, more severe bleeding can lead to serious complications. Even if the bleeding is mild, vitamin K deficiency can make bleeding worse.

Newborns can receive vitamin K injections until the first few months of life

a Vitamin K shot It is given by injection into the femur of the newborn within hours after birth. All it takes is one blow. Oral forms of vitamin K are also available, but they are not well absorbed. Without vitamin K injections, newborns have an approximately 1 in 60 to 1 in 250 chance of developing vitamin K deficiency bleeding within the first week of life. Taking vitamin K injections dramatically reduces the risk of bleeding.

Several Major Confusion Surrounding vitamin K injections include the misconception that it is a vaccine (not a vaccine, it is an injection of vitamins), and the bizarre claim that vitamin K is not a vitamin. This may be due to confusion between the name of vitamin K and the mineral potassium. , with the atomic symbol ‘K’.as snoop reportclaims that vitamin K injections are vaccines, and claims that vitamin K is not a vitamin are both false.

“The interventions we have are well-studied and significantly reduce mortality and morbidity,” Fok said.

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