Home Mental Health Why do young people have such poor mental health? A psychologist explains

Why do young people have such poor mental health? A psychologist explains

by Universalwellnesssystems

a recent reports The Resolution Foundation think tank found that 34% of young people aged 18 to 24 in the UK have symptoms of a common mental illness, the highest rate of any age group. .

Mental health problems are on the rise among young people. The report’s particularly striking finding is that 20 years ago, this age group was the least likely to suffer from common mental illnesses.

The big question is why. As a psychologist who studies the well-being of young people, I believe that today’s young people face unprecedented pressure to excel academically, professionally, and socially. This pressure can come in many forms, including academic stress, anxiety about grades, and fear of failure.

Current social challenges, such as the cost of living crisis, will further exacerbate these problems, as will the lasting effects of isolation and loss of valuable life experiences during the pandemic.

a new research King’s College London and the Origen Institute, a not-for-profit research group, found that the majority of British people believe that young people today find it harder to find work and find it harder to buy things than previous generations. I believe that it has become.

indicators of success

globalization and technological progress The labor market has changed, with jobs becoming more clearly divided into high-skilled and low-skilled occupations. This has led to a greater emphasis on professional skills and higher education.

Read more: How 25 years of education policy made us believe that you can’t succeed in life without a degree

Educational and career successes, or failures, are more visible than ever before. The rise of social media has increased the need to present the perfect image of success.

When you log into your social media accounts, you’re bound to receive an announcement about someone getting a promotion, starting a new job, or opening up an exciting opportunity. This can cause negative emotions, especially when young people are struggling to get a job or even an interview.

According to a study by King’s College London and the Origen Institute, social media key driver This leads to deterioration in the mental health of young people.

The British public believes social media is a significant factor in poor mental health among young people, according to a survey.
Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Due to the curated nature of social media feeds; unrealistic standards It is a symbol of beauty, success, and happiness, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem. Increased online time The pressure to maintain an online identity can also exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and isolation.

of pandemic It exacerbated these problems by increasing feelings of social isolation and anxiety. Organizational closures and physical distancing requirements have reduced social contact and support. research study There have been reports of worsening mental health as a result of COVID-19 control measures, particularly among children and teenagers with pre-existing vulnerabilities such as socio-economic disadvantage, neurodiversity and disability.

A high proportion of young people in the UK believe that many areas are problematic. even worse for them compared to when their parents were their age. 78% believe they can no longer afford things, and 76% believe their mental health has worsened. This can lead to a feeling of hopelessness.

If young people think about their future as follows: dark Feeling unable to do anything to change your outlook, you are less likely to engage in work or activities to improve your situation.

mental health awareness

A survey by King’s College and Origen Institute found that 47% of people think mental health problems are: equally common Among the youth of the past. They just weren’t identified as such.

Over the past two decades, there has been an increase in awareness and acceptance of mental health issues, leading to increased visibility and discussion. This reduced stigma and improved access to resources. But it also creates new challenges for young people navigating mental health.

raising awareness Young people can now seek help and speak out about their struggles.

On the other hand, the way we talk about mental health creates a sense of pressure to find ways to be mentally healthy and resilient. be individually responsible For your own mental health. This pressure is particularly difficult for young people who are struggling with difficult circumstances and associated mental health issues, and can lead to shame and self-blame.

There is no simple solution as all these factors are intertwined and difficult to separate. But my advice to everyone, not just young people, is to take an active role in every area of ​​life as much as possible, push yourself outside your comfort zone and be sure to celebrate the small victories.

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