Home Mental Health Why CT mental health hospital staff say they are in ‘danger’

Why CT mental health hospital staff say they are in ‘danger’

by Universalwellnesssystems

Workers at a mental health hospital in Connecticut are calling for more staff to correct conditions that are dangerous to workers and patients.

members of SEIU1199NEa union representing approximately 7,000 health care workers, including those in Connecticut. Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and connecticut Children and Family Departmentargues that the state should fill 676 vacancies and rescind all aspects of the soft freeze on hiring. The union also calls for increased staffing based on patient needs and for the national budget to be prepared to reflect the true needs of the population.

About 30 union members gathered at a compound on the corner of Eastern Drive and Silver Street in Middletown. connecticut valley hospital This week, I want to speak out about how staff shortages are making their jobs harder.

During the event, led by 1199NE State Division Vice President Rebecca Simonsen, union members criticized what they say is a lack of action by the state of Connecticut, specifically the DMHAS commissioner. Nancy Navarreta.

Many called on the state Legislature to provide the funding needed to fill the position.

“We are here today because the agency-wide staffing crisis has gone unaddressed for far too long,” Simonsen said. “This puts both workers and the patients they care for at immediate and serious risk.”

Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant

Sarina White will speak Thursday morning. White is a child services worker at the Albert J. Solnit Children’s Center of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. (Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant)

Simonsen said many patients are in the midst of an acute mental health crisis, battling addiction and the opioid epidemic.

“These people often live in poverty and often lack private insurance. Many are turned away from the private sector because their needs are too complex or demanding.” said Simonsen.

“DMHAS is supposed to be their lifeline, and right now that lifeline is fraying. There are over 600 vacancies, and the agency is simply not filling them or not filling them fast enough. That’s all,” Simonsen said. “Overall staffing levels are too low to be safe, and staff are struggling to provide patients with the quality of care they deserve.”

Simonsen said the department’s leadership has failed to address severe staffing shortages, adding that budget cuts are the reason.

“Do you think this is right for you?” Simonsen said. “Do you think it’s right that they balance the budget at the expense of patients and workers? This is unacceptable, especially if you live in the richest country or the wealthiest state in the history of the world. That’s the case. We are not sitting idly by; we are taking action. More than 1,700 members, representing a super majority of DMHAS, are demanding urgent action from the Secretary on both safety and staffing. I signed a super petition.”

Simonsen said they have made little progress.

“Budgetary concerns remain their priority,” Simonsen said. “The Office of Policy and Management is claiming a budget crisis and blaming it on so-called guardrails. Or we like to call them fiscal impediments. It shows that we are prioritizing reductions over

“Today we must ask: Can DMHAS, under current leadership, meet its obligations to worker safety and provide the care our state’s most vulnerable populations deserve?” Simonsen continued. “For now, the answer is no. This has undermined our confidence in DMHAS leadership. But that could change. We need real leadership to resolve this crisis. We want to change the situation with our commitment.”

Darnell Ford, director of child services at the Connecticut Department of Children and Families' Albert J. Solnit Children's Center in Middletown, said all of his staff members have been affected by the staffing shortage. "These girls need to return to their communities and families, and when there are not enough staff to care for them, everyone is affected." (Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant)

Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant

Darnell Ford, director of child services at the Connecticut Department of Children and Families’ Albert J. Solnit Children’s Center in Middletown, said all of his staff members have been affected by the staffing shortage. “Girls need to return to their communities and families. When we don’t have enough staff to care for them, everyone is affected.” (Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant)

spokesperson for Connecticut Mental Health and Addiction Services, Office of the Commissioner “DMHAS remains committed to ensuring a safe working environment for everyone.

“We are proud that our staffing levels today are higher than they were before the pandemic. We have worked diligently to address both staffing needs and worker safety,” the spokesperson said. said the person. “Safety is our top priority at DMHAS, which is why we have a strong emergency response system and maintain staffing levels based on acuity that prioritizes the safety of both our employees and the individuals we serve. We remain committed to listening to our employees and addressing their concerns through collaboration.”

But Darnell Ford, director of child services at the Connecticut Department of Children and Families’ Albert J. Solnit Children’s Center in Middletown, said, “All of our staff members are feeling the impact of the shortages in patient admissions, care, and child availability. I am receiving it,” he said. They have the treatment environment and resources they need to save lives, gain skills, and return to their communities. ”

“The Solnit Center has two sides: it is a hospital and it is a psychiatric treatment facility for all girls. When you don’t have the right staff, everyone is affected.

“Imagine if you are in crisis for these children,” he added. “You’re talking about all of their traumatic experiences and the maladaptive ways they tried to survive by trying to hurt themselves and trying to hurt others.”

Tyler Kimball, a mental health assistant at Connecticut Valley Hospital, said staffing shortages have made his hours much more difficult.

“I’m here on behalf of my patients and colleagues, but we’re currently in a shortage crisis. We need more people to do the important work we do,” Kimball said. said. “We are severely understaffed and don’t have time to do any kind of engagement, caring, personal work. Everything will pass. At least we can ensure patient safety, but there is no There is no room for compassion or care, and we are left as mental health workers with a desire to contribute to our communities. We feel we can do more, but we need help to do so. ”

Kimball works in the traumatic brain injury unit and treats people of all ages.

“The state deems us adequately staffed, but it’s still not enough, it’s still not enough to do what we need to do,” Kimball said. “We need bodies and people in case we need to transport someone to the emergency room, if someone needs to go to the hospital, or if someone is suffering that day. We need bodies and people who can provide support. is required.”

Kimball said she typically works a second shift with even fewer employees.

“This is a 24-hour facility and the needs of our patients do not stop because of shift changes,” he added. “We have to provide a safe and therapeutic environment. We get a lot of inquiries. They’re coming here looking for help, so we provide them with that environment.” …At this point, we need to hire more people, but if that process takes a long time, we need to realize that we don’t have enough staff to do what needs to be done. .”

“I’m flattered that we don’t realize how big a problem this is. Ultimately it’s going to be everyone’s problem. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care about class. It doesn’t care about race or religion. It doesn’t matter. Think about a time when you were struggling and your community or the people you love were struggling. Mental health care for those you know who need some help. We need to focus on making sure these services are there for someone to support you,” he said.

States cannot sit back and assume there are fiscal guardrails for a rainy day. Someone needs to hire a new forecaster in state leadership. They need to know it's raining." “This is a great opportunity for us to be a part of the community,” said the Rev. Samuel Saylor, a 35-year state employee and New England coordinator of social and political activities for AME Zion Church. (Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant)

Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant

States cannot sit back and assume there are fiscal guardrails for a rainy day. Someone needs to hire a new forecaster in state leadership. They need to know it’s raining,” said the Rev. Samuel Saylor, a 35-year state employee and social and political action coordinator for AME Zion Church in New England. (Sean Klovcik/Hartford Courant)

Sharon White is a mental health assistant at Connecticut Valley Hospital, a position she has held for more than 20 years. She worked for 17 years in the STAR program, a special program designed specifically for female patients in convalescent rehabilitation. The program was shut down during COVID-19. White said it reopened in July but has been understaffed ever since.

“It used to be seen as a model for this country and a model for other states. It’s just not the same,” White said. “We need to staff it. This is the worst staffed unit in all of CVH and I don’t know why. It’s a really great program for women, but we can’t staff it.”

Previously, up to 34 patients were cared for by 11 staff members. We currently have 5 staff members.

“That’s not fair,” White said. “Sometimes these women can’t even go to the dining room for their meals. Sometimes the food comes in Styrofoam trays. They can’t even take them to the dining room because there’s no staff. ”

White said years of employees leaving and not being replaced has put a strain on the remaining staff.

“They’re sending staff from other units right now, so we surface and go somewhere else to help, so you don’t have as much right and they don’t. You can go to a place where you don’t really care about what’s going on in the unit,” White said. “These women deserve more attention than me working eight hours and then sending them home. Sometimes I can’t even go outside for some fresh air, but it’s as simple as that. No one. They deserve a breath of fresh air, but they can’t even do that because of staffing.”

The Rev. Samuel Saylor, a 35-year state employee of the Ministry of Children and Families and New England social and political action coordinator for AME Zion Church, said the workers deserve support.

“We sit in the wealthiest state in the Union and we believe that the wealthy deserve wealth and that what they earn they should keep. But at the same time, we’re putting our lives at risk, and we deserve to risk our lives and we deserve to go home.’We give everything to our children and our families.’ Sailor said.

“The state cannot sit back and say there are fiscal guardrails for a rainy day,” he added. “Someone needs to hire new forecasters in state leadership. They need to know it’s raining. It’s raining in the halls of DMHAS. It’s raining in the halls of DCF and other state facilities. It’s raining, where health care workers sacrifice their lives every day for those less fortunate than us…The gap between rich and poor is widening in Connecticut, and yet we don’t care. I live as if I don’t have it.”

First edition publication date:

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