Home Products Why cholesterol level rises during winter season |

Why cholesterol level rises during winter season |

by Universalwellnesssystems

Cholesterol levels often rise during the winter months due to a combination of physiological and lifestyle factors. It’s very important to manage your cholesterol during the winter months, as winters naturally raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart-related problems. Cold weather constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure and puts strain on the heart. This can be exacerbated by high cholesterol. Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is essential to prevent plaque buildup in your arteries and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

There are several reasons why cholesterol increases in winter.

“Cholesterol increases in winter. During the winter, people are more likely to consume heavy foods, high-fat fried snacks, sweets and comfort foods, which increases cholesterol levels, so the reason behind this is There are many reasons. Also, cold temperatures and physical activity “As everyone prefers to stay indoors, people consume fewer calories and accumulate excess fat,” says Dr Bimal Chhajar, former consultant and SAAOL Heart Center Director, AIIMS, New Delhi. Let me explain.
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“During the cold season, the cold causes a decrease in activity, leading to decreased physical activity and energy expenditure, leading to weight gain and increased cholesterol levels. Eat fatty, sugary and high calorie foods to keep Additionally, due to the lower temperature of the environment, the body produces more cholesterol to ensure cell function and protect against the cold,” said Dr. Director Yogendra Singh Rajput explains.

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“When it’s cold, your body produces more cholesterol. This is because cholesterol hardens cell membranes to protect against the effects of cold. However, excess cholesterol is not beneficial for heart health,” says Dr. Chjar. added.
“During the winter, exposure to sunlight also decreases, which reduces the amount of vitamin D produced in the body. Vitamin D regulates cholesterol, so a lack of vitamin D can lead to elevated levels. “It can bring a lot of stress, which also contributes to elevated cholesterol levels,” he says.

Yes, you can manage your cholesterol levels even during winter

Dr Rajput says, “Controlling cholesterol levels during the winter months requires a healthy lifestyle. Minimize your intake of high-fat and processed foods, while maintaining a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.” Start with a healthy diet that includes sources of omega-3 fats. Learn how to reduce stress by consuming acids such as fish, flaxseed, and walnuts and staying healthy and active through indoor exercises such as yoga, stretching, and dancing. Spend time outdoors during the day with meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness to get vitamin D, which helps regulate cholesterol. Taking vitamin D supplements can also be helpful if sun exposure is limited. However, it requires consultation with a doctor. ”

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