Home Nutrition Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Diet affects many areas of health, including hair health. Therefore, if you are suffering from thinning hair, you may be asking yourself which vitamin deficiencies are causing your hair loss. Interestingly, although taking too much of certain vitamins can cause hair thinning, hair loss is not usually caused by vitamin deficiencies. Hair loss can also be caused by a lack of protein or iron in your diet.

Read on to learn more about vitamin deficiencies that cause hair loss, what causes hair loss, and how to stop hair loss.

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How vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss

The vitamins and minerals you consume affect the health of your hair follicles and the hair growth cycle. However, the exact effect of vitamin intake on hair loss is very complex and not well studied.

Here’s what we know about vitamin deficiencies, nutrient intake, and hair loss.

  • Vitamin deficiencies usually do not cause hair loss.
  • Taking too much of certain vitamins, including vitamin A, can cause hair loss.
  • Excessive iron and protein deficiency can cause hair thinning.
  • Rapid weight loss (which can overlap with vitamin deficiencies) can cause hair loss.

Research on vitamin intake and hair loss is limited. Researchers are calling for more double-blind placebo studies to examine the role of vitamin and mineral intake on hair loss.

Vitamin deficiencies that can contribute to hair thinning and hair loss

Unfortunately, there aren’t many clear answers as to which vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss. However, in this article we will cover what we know about vitamin deficiencies and hair loss and what nutrient intake can affect your hair.

Vitamin B, biotin, folic acid

Vitamin B plays a role in many bodily functions, including cell division. Biotin is a B vitamin (B7) that helps the body convert food into energy and manage cellular communication.

Hair loss or hair loss can be a symptom of biotin deficiency. If you have a deficiency, taking biotin can help prevent hair loss.

However, if biotin deficiency is not confirmed, taking biotin supplements will have no effect on hair loss. This comes as a surprise to many, as many companies sell shampoos and other products containing biotin, claiming to improve hair health.

vitamin D

Vitamin D is best known for keeping bones strong. Some people with vitamin D deficiency develop hair loss that is usually associated with rickets. For people with vitamin D deficiency, supplementing with vitamin D may improve hair loss.

Additionally, research has shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune diseases, including alopecia, which causes hair loss. Supplementing with vitamin D until the vitamin D deficiency is resolved can help improve and treat hair loss.


Iron is important for maintaining healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. If you don’t get enough iron from your diet, you’ll experience anemia and low red blood cell counts, which can lead to hair loss.

If you experience hair loss, ask your health care provider to check your iron levels for low levels and to supplement if necessary.

vitamin C

Although vitamin C may be associated with immunity rather than hair loss, getting enough vitamin C is important, especially if your hair loss is associated with low iron levels. If you have hair loss due to iron deficiency, try to get enough vitamin C from citrus foods, potatoes, peppers, and other foods rich in vitamin C.


Zinc is another trace mineral that supports healthy cell function. Zinc deficiency is rare but is associated with hair loss. However, research is divided on whether correcting zinc deficiency can improve symptoms of alopecia, including hair loss.

vitamin E

Vitamin E helps support the immune system and other body functions. There is little data regarding vitamin E and hair loss.


Magnesium is a chemical element that supports brain health. Although hair loss is not a typical symptom of magnesium deficiency, some studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can help reduce hair loss in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Can too much vitamin cause hair loss?

In some cases, hair loss can be caused by taking too much of certain vitamins and minerals. Here we will introduce two factors that cause hair loss.

vitamin A

Vitamin A contributes to cell growth. While that may sound like a good thing for your hair, taking too much vitamin A can actually cause hair loss.

How much vitamin A is in excess? Most adults should not consume more than 10,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A each day. This is a much higher amount than you would normally consume in a diet. If you are supplementing with vitamin A and notice hair loss, consult your health care provider.


Selenium is a mineral that is required by the body in small amounts (trace amounts). Some studies have shown that selenium can help with hair loss, including in people undergoing chemotherapy. However, excessive intake of selenium can cause hair loss. Never take more than 400 IU of selenium daily.


Vitamin deficiencies usually do not cause hair loss. However, iron deficiency and anemia can lead to hair loss. Hair thinning can also be caused by too much vitamin A. Vitamin supplementation has little effect on hair loss unless you are deficient in a specific vitamin.

However, hair loss has many causes, including hormonal changes, stress, and infections. If you are experiencing hair loss, consult your health care provider to help address the cause of your hair loss and create a treatment plan that is right for you.

At Verywell Health, we use only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed research, to support the facts in our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and reliable.

  1. Johns Hopkins Medicine. hair removal.

  2. Almohanna HM, Ahmed AA, Tsataris JP, Tosti A. The role of vitamins and minerals in hairy males: a review. National Library of Medicine. March 2019.

  3. Medline Plus. pantothenic acid and biotin.

  4. Medline Plus. hair removal. National Library of Medicine. June 7, 2023.

  5. Jalipour M, Ghasemi-Tehrani H, Askari G, Gholizadeh-Moghaddam M, Clark CCT, Rouhani MH. Effects of magnesium supplementation on abnormal uterine bleeding, alopecia, quality of life, and acne in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. Liprod Bio Endocrinol. 2022.doi: 10.1186/s12958-022-00982-7

Written by Kelly Birch

Kelly Birch has been writing about health topics for over 10 years. Her writing has appeared in the Washington She Post, the Chicago She Tribune, and elsewhere.

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