Home Nutrition Which Diet Is the Most Effective in Weight Loss?

Which Diet Is the Most Effective in Weight Loss?

by Universalwellnesssystems

What is the best diet to lose weight?

Why we gain weight is a complex question. So when a patient asks me to recommend a diet to help them lose weight, I start the conversation by asking, “When did you start gaining weight?” I often hear things like, “When you have kids, get divorced, or stop running.” It might be when they start going out for late business dinners, or when they retire and start snacking and streaming. Whatever the reason, a good place to start is to identify when you started gaining weight.

Let’s see why. It may be related to a medical problem. For example, certain medications such as steroids, beta-blockers, antihistamines, and diabetes medications, as well as depression and anxiety, menopause, and thyroid problems can also cause weight gain. Lack of sleep can cause an imbalance in the hormones that regulate appetite.

Also consider your resting metabolic rate (RMR), or the number of calories your body burns at rest. RMR naturally decreases with age. This means that even if you’re eating the same amount of calories as you were 10 years ago, your RMR will be slower. Most of us become less active as we age. result? It’s a win-win situation, but not in a good way.

It’s not just the number on the scale that matters. That’s where the extra weight goes. Having this weight around your waist increases your risk of developing serious health conditions. Belly weight, or belly fat, is associated with heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and even cancer.

Dr. Adam

Ask Dr. Adam

Dr. Adam B. Rosenbluth is an internist and cardiologist in New York City. Every Monday he answers your questions about how to make your body work better. His AARP book is scheduled for publication in 2027.

Please email Dr. Adam with questions to [email protected].

Now that I know when, why, and where I gain weight, what should I do if someone asks me, “Adam, what’s the best diet?” My simple answer is that it should be rich in low-fat protein, such as fish or poultry, and include a variety of fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fruit. It also says to avoid carbohydrates, avoid processed foods and sugary sodas, limit your sugar intake, and watch how much you eat. Alcohol also contains a lot of empty calories, making people hungry and more likely to snack on unhealthy foods.

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