Home Fitness When the Best Time of Day to Work Out? Experts Weigh In

When the Best Time of Day to Work Out? Experts Weigh In

by Universalwellnesssystems

A well-honed fitness routine is a combination of personal preference, proven effectiveness, thoughtful eating, adequate rest…the list goes on.But exactly when is the best time? time Do you want to work out? If you're wondering if your morning routine is doing more for you and your body than your afternoon routine, you're in good company. And as it turns out, choosing your fitness timing makes a difference.

“In my opinion, the best time to exercise is when it consistently fits into your schedule. The hardest time is when it shows up,” he says. heather whiteFounder and CEO of Wellness and Fitness Programs trill fit.fitness coach Angela Manuel Davis He agreed, adding that the mood at the time is also important. “If your workout is performance-based, it's best to work out when you feel your best,” she says. “Over the years in this field, I've learned that our fitness journeys are not one-size-fits-all. You have to learn about your body and what works best for you. .”

Choosing a time that works best for you takes into account your needs, your fitness goals (weight loss, lower blood pressure, better sleep, building muscle, etc.), your preferred fitness routine, and your metabolism to determine the most effective workout. is the best way to schedule. . (Note: Certain low-impact exercises, such as Pilates, can be done at any time of the day, so feel free to work on them whenever you find time). If you want a guide to deciding whether a dawn or dusk sweat session is best for you, keep reading.

Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach?

It's difficult (or impossible or unwise) to discuss fitness without including food and nutrition in the conversation. And while some claim that exercising before a meal can help burn fat (a supposed benefit of morning exercise), regardless of timing, exercise can help boost energy levels and blood sugar levels. It seems best to enjoy a little snack beforehand. Kirsch recommends an apple and nut butter or banana as a post-workout snack.

“Think of your pre-workout meal as fuel in your gas tank. You want a balance of protein and carbohydrates to fuel your workout,” says White. “For your post-workout meal, choose complex carbohydrates to account for muscle recovery and replenish energy stores.”

Benefits of morning exercise

Starting your day with a workout builds an effective foundation and may even help you lose weight. “A morning workout will jump-start your metabolism and help you feel better for the day,” says White, who recommends cardio and full-body strength training. “A morning routine allows you to focus on energizing and rejuvenating your body for tomorrow.”

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