Home Nutrition When Nutrition Timing Actually Matters

When Nutrition Timing Actually Matters

by Universalwellnesssystems

When you exercise and reach your goals for a specific goal, It is wise to pull the big lever first. By ensuring enough food, enough sleep, and enough training time, greatest impact on your results. But once you know the basics, learn how to eat at the right times throughout the day.

Things to Understand Before You Start Messing with Timing

As a refresher, one of the most important things in nutrition is eating the right amount of food. This is usually measured in calories.eat Less Than You Burn To Lose Weightmore than you burn to gain weight (helpful if you’re trying to gain muscle), or if you don’t want to do either, just burn more calories. Maintains weight stability at all levelsYou don’t have to track this exactly if changing your body size isn’t your priority.make sure it’s not I accidentally overeat when you don’t mean to.

next proteinIt’s an important component if you’re building muscle. If you’re losing weight, eating protein (and strength training!) helps your body retain as much muscle as possible, and most of the weight lost goes to fat. If you’re doing endurance training (such as running), protein will help you maintain the muscles that help you do it all.

Once you’re consistently getting enough calories and protein, you’ll have more leeway to adjust your diet to suit your tastes. We all need at least 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight. And while carbs may not be essential to life (low-carb dieters like to point out), people who eat a lot of carbs many Spend a better time at the gym than those who don’t. Carbohydrates provide energy for activity and prevent the body from turning to muscle tissue for extra energy.

Finally, other nutrients in food are also important. Fiber is important. Vitamins are important.fruits and vegetables should be a big part of everyone’s dietThese things support good health, even if they don’t macro may be tracking.

i mention all this what what you eat is more important when you eat it If you’re not getting enough protein or vegetables, correcting the situation is more important than getting everything at the right time.

carbs before workout

Our body fat provides most of the fuel our body needs when we are resting. It’s ridiculous. Fat is like a bank account. The amount is determined by the balance between deposits and withdrawals, rather than just looking at withdrawals.

When we exercise, it’s hard for the slow, steady pace of fat burning to keep up with what we’re demanding of our bodies. If you don’t have enough carbohydrates available, you may feel tired and sluggish. It often makes me feel better when I’m out.

So, if you feel sluggish during your workout, consider eating carbs beforehand. Also consider this timing if you have a habit of training in and want to test if nutritional timing can give you. An extra boost you didn’t even know was missing.

“Carbohydrates” refers to anything that contains sugar or breaks down rapidly into sugar, primarily starch. try the meal.

  • banana
  • Serve with jam on toast or bread, or spread a thin layer of something like peanut butter.
  • oatmeal
  • skimmed milk, possibly with cereal or granola
  • fat-free yogurt, possibly some berries
  • Smoothies with carbohydrates such as fruits

Protein and fat can slow down digestion, so avoid taking too much of them in the meal you eat right before your workout. But if you’re eating breakfast a few hours before your workout, feel free to opt for a slow-digesting version with full-fat dairy or toss a protein powder into your smoothie. can also do.

sugar in training

If your workout is longer than an hour, you may need more than a pre-workout snack. This is why marathon-her runners inhale packets of jelly while running, and why powerlifters go around bags of candy between sets.

If you consume carbohydrates during your workout, you want them to be digested quickly.This means you need more or less pure sugar.Yes, you should definitely avoid sugar. in general In a healthy diet but in the middle of a workout sugar serves a very specific purpose. It becomes readily available to your body and fuels you in the moment. If you are in the middle of an endurance event on 30-60 grams of carbs per hour. For example:

  • Energy gel like GU
  • Drinks such as Tailwind and Gatorade
  • Candies like Gummy Bears (a runner’s favorite) and Sour Patch Kids (a powerlifter’s and weightlifter’s favorite)

Most of us don’t exercise long enough or hard enough to worry about this. But if you’re training for a marathon or a half and find yourself dragging towards the end of a long run, or if your lifting sessions lengthen well over an hour, and you’re running out of time between sets towards the end. If you notice your breaks getting longer. Try a gel or snack during your workout and see if you feel a difference.

Post-workout carbs if another workout is scheduled soon

Let’s take another look at muscle glycogen, one of the carbohydrate sources we use during exercise. Over the next 24 hours or so, we eat carbohydrates as part of our meals and their glycogen stores refill.

Eating a meal high in carbohydrates will help fill and keep these glycogen stores full throughout the day. (If you’re following a low-carb diet, such as the keto diet, you may not be getting enough nutrients.) Especially if you finish a workout and are unlikely to do another until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Don’t worry. This; just eat normally.

But if you’re doing two hard workouts in one day, or if you just worked out in the evening and want to give your best run the next morning, I want to quickly replenish my glycogenAfter a hard workout, your muscles are ready to store carbohydrates as glycogen, so consider a high-carbohydrate meal after your workout.

Small amounts of protein throughout the day

As explained above, the most important factor in eating protein is quantity. To meet that, you need 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

But if you’re trying to build muscle or maintain it while training for endurance sports or losing weight, you’ll need more. It ranges from 0.63 to 0.82 grams per pound of body weight, depending on intensity. What are your needs? That’s 95 to 123 grams for the same 150-pound person. Exceeding that amount usually good for health (Consult your doctor if you have kidney problems), but it is not required.

But what about timing? It turns out that your body can get the most out of your protein if you can get it multiple times a day. Some people are it’s not correctbut you would probably do Give your body a stronger signal to build muscle If you could spread your protein across four or five meals instead of eating low-protein foods all day and then a giant steak for dinner.

A good way to follow this rule of thumb is to track your total protein and try to eat at least 20 grams or more of protein several times a day.It can be used for breakfast, lunch, protein bars as a snack, dinner, and simple shake Protein powder at night.

Proteins, fats and fiber when you want to feel full or slow down digestion

We’ve talked about fast-digesting carbs (sugar, plain starch), but on the flip side, other nutrients are digested more slowly. It may be useful at other times.

For example, oatmeal tends to keep you feeling full longer than white bread. This is because it contains a lot of soluble fiber. Protein makes you feel full because your stomach holds protein-containing foods longer than other foods. It’s the part that takes time for the protein to break down before it’s digested.) From person to person.

If you are eating breakfast before a long morning at work It’ll be a while before lunch, but oats (fiber) and almond butter (fat) and scrambled egg whites (protein) will keep you fuller longer than toast with jam. Save your toast for when you need a pre-workout snack.

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