Home Mental Health When gaming can turn from fun, educational stress relief into an addiction – The Irish Times

When gaming can turn from fun, educational stress relief into an addiction – The Irish Times

by Universalwellnesssystems

Logging off, pausing, and saving a game should be a simple process to know when to put down the controller and re-emerge from the complex world the game offers. However, as technology advances, games have become more immersive.

So the urge to stay connected for higher rewards becomes a big draw.

Gaming addiction isn’t necessarily a new phenomenon, the gaming industry was born over 50 years ago, and the multi-billion dollar industry continues to boom. However, studies and research are still trying to understand the controlling and addictive nature of gaming. The World Health Organization added “gaming disorder” to the 2018 International Classification of Diseases, but not to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Nevertheless, gaming addiction is recognized as a problem.

“Games can be a positive or negative thing depending on the amount of time you play, the type of games you play, your age appropriateness, and your social skills,” says John, a certified addiction counselor with more than 35 years of experience in practice. Donal Kiernan, a psychotherapist with: Experience counseling various addictions.

“Positive aspects include improved hand-eye coordination, improved problem-solving skills, improved decision-making and memory, attention, and reasoning skills. Games can be used as a means to reduce and eliminate stress. It works and can even enhance your creativity. However, all of the above should be used in moderation.”

We have become blinded by technological advances. Most technology interactions are fine until the virtual world collides with the demands of the real world.

Donal Keenan, addiction counselor

Keenan emphasizes that the negative effects of gaming can include addiction and impaired functioning at home, work, and play. Obsessive thoughts that impair study and concentration. Isolation, paranoia, decreased physical activity, apathy from reality. Additionally, continued playing of violent games has been linked to increased aggression and desensitization, which Keenan acknowledges is an issue that requires further study and research.

Gaming can be considered an addiction if the time spent gaming becomes excessive or compulsive, causing behavioral changes that interfere with daily life.

Mr Keenan, who is the only designated addiction counselor at a third-tier university in Ireland, said the early signs of gaming addiction are preoccupation with games, thinking about them, and strategies, even if they don’t actually have access to them. He advises that you can notice it by standing up. Neglecting daily responsibilities and negatively impacting family, work, school, sports, and friendships. Loss of focus and focus, distracted by thoughts of the game. Loss of control means that a person is unable to quit or quit even though they say they are going to quit.

Additionally, stress, irritation and anger when interrupted while playing, verbal abuse when provoked to end a conversation, lying to oneself and others about time spent, obsessions, compulsions, and secretiveness. Further behavioral changes may occur, such as teasing. Emotional investment in play. Withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, depression, cravings, and wanting to play more.

“In my view, gaming addiction is firmly entrenched in the field of cyberpsychology and is now becoming more and more conscious in everyday life,” says Keenan. “Technology is not positive or negative, good or bad, but it can be used by people for good or bad. We have become blind to technological advances. The virtual world is the real world. Most interactions with technology are fine until they conflict with our demands. Games distract us from unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that we try to avoid dealing with. We can create imaginary worlds that allow us to escape from our true selves.”

In this way, through games, role-playing and imagination, Kieran is able to “deliver all the fantasies humans need, from breathing to acceptance, safety and security, love and belonging, family, intimacy and self.” suggests that it may produce. – Respect, confidence and self-actualization are achieved. ”

However, in reality, the truth is far from this imaginary world that feels real. “Addicted gamers become withdrawn and isolated, often eat alone, lock their doors, and become unresponsive to human interaction or touch,” Keenan says. “They’re completely hooked on the console. They’re immersed in the moment-by-moment experience of the atmosphere that the game brings.

“Effectively, their consciousness is hijacked. Where your consciousness goes, your energy goes. In many cases, they can’t escape their obsession with play, and their obsession with action. By encouraging this, you unconsciously reinforce your obsessions. Remember that games are fully immersive experiences in artificially created problem-solving situations.”

Your role is to be a parent, not your child’s friend. I call this active love. It’s about doing what’s right for your child, no matter how difficult it is for you.

Donal Kiernan

There is a difference between someone who is addicted to gaming and someone who is somewhat obsessed with gaming. It is thought that the percentage of people with gaming addiction is small. It’s worth mentioning that it can be difficult to recognize addiction and not label someone who is dedicated to their favorite pastime.

“Addicted gamers aren’t in charge of the game; their addiction drives the show,” says Keenan. “Periods of isolation become longer, moods become more irritable and aggressive, distressed family and friends become distant. Relationships break down, personal hygiene deteriorates, and physical inactivity causes Your health will deteriorate.”

There is limited understanding and research into the types of games that can influence the way humans play and what can lead to addiction. However, game designers are hired to capture the attention of gamers.

“Games are a world of stimulation, reward, and stimulation,” Keenan says. What game designers do is mimic the five senses by matching multiple senses simultaneously to create a more immersive and memorable experience. They connect vision with color, and different colors affect mood. They connect hearing with space and sound, and often take place on a subconscious level. Mood music is one example. Create immersive audio experiences using sound. They can stimulate your taste buds, but they only make you think about food. In effect, neurobiological brain pathways are hijacked by the repetition of repetitive movements that constantly trigger dopamine and the reward system. ”

When considering the depth of gaming behavior, Keenan advises looking at the motivations for participating in a particular game world or activity. “Some people are laid back and casual,” he says. “They are in charge and choose to invest their time. But for others, the choice is not theirs. For parents, we have a game that has the power to warp undeveloped minds. Please do not allow small children to use the machine.

“Set time limits for playing technology games. Understand what they’re accessing, and when you say no, mean it.” Your role is to be a parent, not your child’s friend. I call it positive love: doing what’s right for your child, no matter how difficult it is for you. ”

Treatment for compulsive gaming includes conversational therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that address the underlying reasons for excessive gaming and related behaviors. Family therapy has also been suggested as a way to deal with potential problems within the family. Self-help and group therapy sessions may be helpful as they recognize that gaming addiction is not unique to any one individual and can be understood by others through personal experience.

There is help and hope as you try to recover from your addiction to video games and what appears to be a way to escape from the root of your depression or other problems.

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