Home Nutrition What’s the ‘longevity’ diet, and will it really make you live longer?

What’s the ‘longevity’ diet, and will it really make you live longer?

by Universalwellnesssystems

You may have heard about longevity dietand the promise of longer life — but what exactly is it and how does it differ from other health-promoting diets?

The Longevity Diet is a set of dietary recommendations put together by a biochemist named Walter Longo, director of the University of Southern California Institute of Longevity. He is known for his research into the role of fasting, the effects of nutrients on genes, and how these affect aging and disease risk.

Although the longevity diet is aimed at older people, it is also recommended for younger people.Longo is Said He will live to be 120 on this diet.

So what does a diet look like?

Foods in this diet are vegetables such as leafy greens, fruits, nuts, beans, olive oil, and low-mercury seafood.

Therefore, most foods in the longevity diet are plant-based. A plant-based diet is Generally high in vitamins and mineralslow in dietary fiber, antioxidants, saturated fat and sodium, providing health benefits.

Foods not recommended are excess meat and dairy, foods high in processed sugars and saturated fats.

For those who don’t want to go dairy-free, the longevity diet recommends switching from cow’s milk to goat’s or sheep’s milk. nutritional profileHowever, there is little evidence that sheep or goat milk provides more health benefits.

Incorporating fermented dairy products (such as cheese and yogurt) into your diet, as recommended by the Longevity Diet, extensive microbiome (good bacteria) than any milk.

The diet recommends maintaining a healthy weight, perhaps by reducing snacks, especially foods high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar.(Pexels: Andres Ayrton)

Have you seen this diet?

Many of you may recognize this as a familiar eating pattern. mediterranean dietespecially since both feature olive oil as the oil of choice. body of evidence Promotes health, reduces disease risk and promotes longevity.

Diets for longevity are also similar to the evidence-based dietary guidelines of many countries. Australian.

Two-thirds of the foods recommended by the Australian Dietary Guidelines come from plant foods (cereals, grains, legumes, beans, fruits and vegetables). This guideline does not include protein (dried beans, lentils, tofu, etc.) and dairy products ( soy milkyogurt, cheese, as long as they are supplemented with calcium).

intermittent fasting

Another aspect of the longevity diet is fasting for specific periods of time known as intermittent fasting. The diet advocates eating in a 12-hour time frame and not eating three to four hours before bedtime.

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