Home Nutrition What’s The Difference Between Processed Foods And Ultra-Processed Foods?

What’s The Difference Between Processed Foods And Ultra-Processed Foods?

by Universalwellnesssystems

You’ve probably heard health experts say that eating whole foods and skipping processed foods is the key to optimal health. December 2022 surveyFor example, we present some pretty frightening statistics linking ultra-processed foods to cognitive decline: those who consumed 20% or more of their daily calories from processed foods experienced 28% faster overall cognitive decline and 28% faster cognitive decline. It said it dropped 25% faster. Executive function, compared to those who ate less than 20%.

If you’re wondering what “ultra-processed foods” are, you’re not alone. It’s a complicated topic.

Since most foods are at least minimally processed, usually for preservation or safety reasons, avoiding all processed foods completely can be difficult, if not impossible. You don’t need that either.

“Processed foods tend to have a negative image, but there are actually quite a few processed foods that are good for the body.” Ashley Wrightregistered dietitian orlando healthtold HuffPost. “If you think about foods like carrots, nuts, chicken, fish, they have to be processed in some way, but there is only one ingredient.”

At the other end of the spectrum are ultra-processed foods such as frozen foods, donuts, cookies, and candy. These typically contain dozens of ingredients, many of which are unheard of or unpronounceable.

Still, nutritionists admit that it’s hard to tell the difference between processed and ultra-processed foods.

Most foods are processed to at least some degree

“This can be very confusing because nearly all foods need to be processed in order to be eaten. Colleen Tewkesburyspokesperson for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The health of processed foods usually comes down to other ingredients such as sugar and salt that are added during processing. US Department of Agriculture defines processed foods as those that have been altered in their natural state. That is, raw produce that has been milled, cut, chopped, cooked, frozen, dehydrated, or canned.

“Many foods that people technically consider whole foods, such as frozen fruits and vegetables and bags of pre-cut veggies at the grocery store, are minimally processed.” Christine DillyRegistered Dietitian, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Processing techniques such as pasteurization, canning and dehydration also keep food safer and keep it longer, Dilly said.

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Frozen vegetables are a prime example of healthy “processed” foods.

How to understand different types of processed foods

Not all processed foods are created equal. One way to describe the different levels of processed food is NOVA Food Classification System, developed by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The system has four categories for him:

Group 1: Unprocessed or minimally processed foods. This refers to fruits, vegetables, seeds, eggs, fungi, or milk that are either consumed whole or processed to remove inedible or unwanted parts such as stems and shells. Food may be dried, filtered, roasted, frozen, or packaged to preserve its natural state, preserve it, or make it more palatable.

Group 2: Processed food ingredients. These items are Group 1 or naturally derived and include oils, butter, lard, sugar and salt. They are usually used to prepare Group 1 foods and are rarely consumed alone.

Group 3: processed foods. These foods are produced by adding items such as salt, sugar, or oil (Group 2 items) to Group 1 foods. Examples include pickles, canned fish, cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, bacon, and fresh bread. Foods typically retain a basic identity and some unique characteristics.

Group 4: Ultra processed foods. These items are created through industrial processes such as hydrogenation and the addition of emulsifiers, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Includes cooked meat, pasta, or pizza. packaged bread, cookies or cakes; soft drinks, candy, chicken nuggets, fast food. Ultra-processed foods tend to be delicious, inexpensive, convenient, and contain multiple ingredients.

Dilly said one problem with the NOVA system is that it tries to define food health in broad categories based on ingredients added during processing, which can confuse people. It can also falsely promote the concept of “good” and “bad” foods.

“This can be detrimental for individuals suffering from a balanced diet or eating disorder, and can overly restrict food intake.

Should you limit ultra-processed foods?

Many ultra-processed foods are convenient and inexpensive compared to some whole foods, so avoiding them is difficult for most people.

However, the more processed a food is, the more likely it is to contain extra calories, salt, and sugar.

research High consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with obesity, diabetes, hypertension and dementia.and the aforementioned 2022 survey Associated ultra-processed foods with cognitive decline.

If you’re eating processed foods but are paying attention to your overall calorie count, some ultra-processed foods may not bother you.

Stick to the 80/20 rule and aim for 80% unprocessed or minimally processed foods, says Wright.

“Recognize that it can be difficult to avoid ultra-processed foods completely,” Wright said.

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Even seemingly healthy foods like orange juice can have unrecognizable preservatives and thickeners on their ingredient list.

Which processed foods are the healthiest to eat?

“The easiest way to think about it is that the fewer ingredients, the better,” Wright said. Please do not eat on

Healthy food choices can be confusing, especially when the label says things like “all natural” or “made with whole grains,” but there are plenty of other ingredients that make them super-processed. Wright added that it includes

To make sure you’re choosing the option with less processing most of the time:

  • Look for items with 5 or fewer ingredients (or the shortest ingredient list).
  • Note the first ingredient listed — it’s the one that the item contains the most (for example, look for breads that list “whole grain” first instead of “enriched flour”).
  • Avoid (or minimize) products with sugar, saturated fat and high sodium content (20% or more of daily value The amount of sodium per serving is considered high).
  • Choose foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.

“I recommend looking at how often and in what amounts individuals eat ultra-processed foods,” Dilly said. By doing so, you can reduce the frequency with which you need these convenience foods.”

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