Home Nutrition What’s Actually in Your Supplements? Scientists Uncover Hidden Ingredients and Questionable Claims

What’s Actually in Your Supplements? Scientists Uncover Hidden Ingredients and Questionable Claims

by Universalwellnesssystems

Recent research reveals that some supplement companies may be misleading customers by making unproven health claims or adding undeclared ingredients. became. The study focused on nutritional supplements used during the COVID-19 pandemic and utilized DNA barcoding to investigate the authenticity of Ayurvedic herbs. The findings show significant discrepancies in ingredient lists and highlight concerns about quality control and potential health risks from undeclared substances.

In recent research, analytical science journal Schmidt School of Science and Technology professor Rosalie Helberg and students Karin Harris, Diane Kim, Miranda Miranda, and Chevon Jordan argue that some supplement companies deceive customers with unsubstantiated health claims and undisclosed ingredients. revealed that there is a possibility that

Researchers focused on supplements that have been linked to treating or preventing disease. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) and other respiratory diseases. During the pandemic, the use of dietary supplements has skyrocketed around the world. “During the pandemic, there has been a huge spike in the purchase and use of these types of supplements,” Helberg said. “As demand increases, so does the potential for fraud.”

Research methodology

Chapman’s team collected 54 supplements, including herbs from Ayurveda, an alternative medicine practice that originated in India. They specifically selected herbs that have been used purportedly to treat COVID-19. These include ashwagandha, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, tulsi, bacha, amla, guduchi, terrestris, etc. All products were purchased online and from local retail stores located in Orange County and Los Angeles County, California.

The researchers analyzed whether it could be used. DNA Barcoding technology to identify plants seed Supplements to determine the authenticity of the product. DNA barcoding is a method that allows scientists to identify the species of an organism using short sections of its DNA sequence.

Research results and implications

The study revealed several concerns that indicate the need for further scrutiny of these products. In 60% of the products, the researchers were unable to detect the expected ingredient. However, Helberg did not explicitly attribute these results to fraud. Because DNA barcoding methods are being utilized in new ways, their ability to detect degraded DNA may be limited. Therefore, a negative result does not necessarily prove that the species is not present in the product.

Another limitation of DNA barcoding methods is that they do not reveal the amount of each type of component detected. Helberg said additional studies will be needed to verify the amount of each.

“If the ingredients were present in higher amounts, that could be a concern,” Helberg said. “Also, if we detect something that isn’t listed on the label, it could indicate a problem with quality control. This could mean other health risks are going on or things aren’t being done properly It may also indicate that it has not been addressed.”

Researchers also found 19 products containing undeclared plant species. Rice and several other ingredients were used as common fillers. They also identified other Ayurvedic herbs that are not listed on the label.

“Therefore, they can be used in fraudulent ways,” Helberg said. “Some manufacturers, instead of putting 100% of the declared species on the label, may mix in fillers because it is cheaper.

If a supplement contains undeclared seeds or ingredients, consumers may ingest substances that can cause allergic reactions or other health risks. However, it is not clear from the study how much higher the risk is because the researchers were unable to detect the amount of each ingredient.

“If the ingredients were present in higher amounts, that could be a concern,” Helberg said. “Also, if we detect something that isn’t listed on the label, it could indicate a problem with quality control. This could mean other health risks are going on or things aren’t being done properly It may also indicate that it has not been addressed.”

Reference: “DNA Barcoding of Herbal Supplements in the U.S. Commercial Market Purported to Treat COVID-19” Calin M. Harris, Diane Y. Kim, Chevon R. Jordan, Miranda I. Miranda, Rosalee S. Hellberg Author, 15 January 2024 Phytochemical analysis.
DOI: 10.1002/pca.3320

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