Home Products What you need to know about the new ‘FliRT’ coronavirus variant, according to a doctor

What you need to know about the new ‘FliRT’ coronavirus variant, according to a doctor

by Universalwellnesssystems

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there is Variants of the new coronavirus In town. KP.2 is a member of the so-called FliRT variants, named for their mutations, which have become the dominant coronavirus strain in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although these FliRT variants share certain mutations, they are still part of the Omicron family of coronaviruses.

From April 28 to May 11, about 30% of new cases were due to KP.2, up from less than 16% in the previous two weeks.

What should people know about this new variant? What are the symptoms of infection? Will the vaccine be effective against the new strain? Are at-home tests still reliable? How long should I isolate if infected with KP.2? Who should receive antiviral treatment if infected with this type of Covid-19? And who has a weakened immune system? What is the guidance for people? Should they start wearing masks again?

To answer these questions, I spoke to CNN wellness expert Dr. Leena Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and George is a clinical associate professor at the University of Washington. She previously served as the health commissioner for the city of Baltimore.

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Home tests are likely to continue to detect the new coronavirus variant KP.2.

CNN: What should people know about this new variant, the KP.2?

Dr. Leana Wen: Ever since the start of Covid-19, we have been talking about new variants: the original strain of the virus was replaced by the alpha variant, then the beta, delta and then the omicron.

KP.2 is part of the Omicron family. It appears to be replacing JN.1 and similar variants, which were previously the predominant variant in the United States.

There are three important questions to ask whenever a new variant emerges. The questions are: is it more contagious, does it cause more severe disease, and do existing vaccines and treatments work?

One of the reasons a new strain replaces a previously dominant strain is because it is just as or more infectious. This means that KP.2 can spread very easily, which is what we have seen throughout COVID-19, meaning that coronaviruses are highly infectious and therefore harder to avoid.

The good news is that KP.2 does not appear to cause more severe disease. actual, COVID-19-related hospitalizations is at a record low, and there is no reason to believe that existing vaccines and treatments will no longer be effective against the disease.

CNN: What are the symptoms of infection with KP.2?

Wen: Most people infected with coronavirus will never know which variant is causing symptoms. Symptoms of coronavirus infection include a runny nose, sore throat, headache, fever, cough, and body aches. Some people may experience more severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath. The new coronavirus infection may also worsen underlying conditions such as heart failure.

None of these symptoms are unique to KP.2, and so far no association with unique symptoms that can distinguish it from other coronavirus infections has been reported. It’s important to remember that for many people, symptoms of COVID-19 can be difficult to distinguish from other viral infections such as the flu or common cold.

CNN: Are at-home tests still reliable?

Wen: Rapid antigen tests at home are a simple and convenient way to screen for COVID-19, but they are not as reliable or accurate as laboratory PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests. There is no indication that home tests are less effective at detecting this new variant compared to past variants.

If you have symptoms and may be a candidate for antiviral treatment, we encourage you to take a home test. People who are very concerned that they may have been exposed to COVID-19 can take multiple home tests on different days and can also consider taking a PCR test.

CNN: Do the existing vaccines work against KP.2? What about the vaccine that’s expected to be available in the fall?

Wen: Existing vaccines should be effective against KP.2. CDC has issued guidance. recommend the second one The vaccine first appeared in fall 2023 for people 65 and older.

Federal health officials are expected to recommend a newly developed COVID-19 vaccine in the fall. The new vaccine is expected to differ from current vaccines in that it targets variants expected to circulate in the fall and winter. If health officials predict that these variants include KP.2, the fall vaccine would likely be even more effective against KP.2.

CNN: How long do people need to isolate if they are infected with COVID-19?

Wen: Early this year, CDC has been removed The Ministry of Health has lifted a rule requiring people found to be infected with the new coronavirus to quarantine for five days. Currently, the Ministry of Health recommends that people who are found to be infected with the new coronavirus to stay at home until they have not had a fever for at least 24 hours and their symptoms have improved. For the next five days, people should strive to take additional precautions, such as wearing masks and limiting close contact with others.

CNN: Who needs antiviral treatment if infected with COVID-19??

Wen: People at high risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19 should consider antiviral treatment. Those high-risk categories include the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, and people with serious underlying health conditions.

There are two. Oral medications There is also a third antiviral injection available, and it is recommended that you check with your healthcare provider to see if you should receive antiviral treatment. If they get coronavirusIf so, please tell me which ones and how to access them.

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