Home Nutrition What to know about kefir, one of the original gut-friendly foods

What to know about kefir, one of the original gut-friendly foods

by Universalwellnesssystems


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Foods purported to promote gut health have become very popular in the last few years. I’m in. But if you really want to do something for your digestive system and overall health, try one of the original methods. gut friendly food: kefir.

Kefir (pronounced kuh-FEER) is yogurt’s tangy, sour, creamy consistency like a yogurt drink, sometimes effervescent cousin. It has existed for thousands of years. It is made from cow or goat milk and a live culture called “kefir grains”. Kefir grains look like grains, but they are a gel-like microbial mass made up of bacteria and yeast. Pouring milk into cereals that can be reused indefinitely. Kefir grains ferment the natural sugar in milk called lactose and after 24 hours it becomes a milk-based drink.

Like yogurt, kefir contains little or no lactose, making it suitable for people who are lactose intolerant or who experience gas, bloating, or diarrhea after eating or drinking dairy. There is a possibility.

Its probiotic benefits

Many fermented foods contain healthy probiotic bacteria. “Most people know yogurt has good bacteria,” says Amy Keating, nutritionist at Consumer Reports. “But you only need two strains of bacteria.” But some yogurts have more strains than that. Kefir can have over 50 yeast and bacterial strains, some sources suggest. It’s more versatile, so it’s a great addition to your diet,” says Keating.

Fasi Hamed, a general practitioner at Petaluma Health Center in Petaluma, Calif., says kefir is rich in healthy microbes, and the diversity makes it easier for probiotics to replicate in the gut. said. probiotics Not only is it beneficial for your gut health, but it’s also beneficial for your overall health, he says.

Probiotics help break down food, synthesize vitamins, prevent disease-causing bacteria from gaining a foothold, and even help strengthen immunity.

“Probiotics produce bioactive compounds such as short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in systemic problems such as cholesterol management and neurotransmitter synthesis,” says the Stony Brook family of medicine. Population, says Sotiria Everett, clinical assistant professor of preventive medicine. in Stony Brook, NY

Many studies have revealed these benefits. Recent from Stanford University A high-fiber diet (also known to affect the population of healthy bacteria in the gut) and a fermented food diet containing kefir were compared.

In this small study, researchers found that a diet of fermented foods increased microbiome diversity and decreased inflammatory markers in the body. Studies have shown that kefir may have antibacterial, antitumor, anticarcinogenic, and cholesterol-lowering effects.

“Our gut plays a huge role in our overall health,” says Everett. I’ll eat it.”

Kefir’s nutrition is similar to yogurt, providing protein and calcium. Nutrient amounts vary slightly by brand, but 1 cup of Lifeway Plain Lowfat Kefir has 110 calories, 11 grams protein (22% of your daily value), 2 grams fat, 1.5 grams saturated fat, 9 grams of carbohydrates, there are 0 grams. Added sugar and 390mg of calcium (30% of daily value).

Unscented kefir is the best choice. “What I would like to recommend right away is a plain flavor that is not too expensive. [added] sugar,” says Everett. If you want a fruity drink, she suggests putting kefir in a blender with frozen berries and other fruits.

You can also pour kefir into cereals and granola, or use it as a liquid for overnight oats. If you choose flavored kefir, look for one with 6 grams or less of sugar.

Copyright 2022, Consumer Reports Inc.

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