Home Nutrition What to Eat Before (and During) a Marathon

What to Eat Before (and During) a Marathon

by Universalwellnesssystems

welcome to training diary, a Lifehacker series about my trip to the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon. This series covers all the uphills, downhills, and hills on the journey to the world’s biggest marathon. Ahead of race day on Sunday, November 5th, we look at proper fueling, injuries and setbacks, treadmill tips, wardrobe malfunctions, long run logic, and more – what it takes to cross a marathon finish line. I would like to look back on this in general. I am guided by beliefs that are common and true. A marathon is actually several hundred miles. On the day of the race, I happened to be in the last place, about 26th place.

One of the most common questions I get asked by non-runners is: Where do you get your energy from? Whether they mean this rhetorically or literally is a good question.how do Do marathon runners refuel to run 42.2 miles?

I used the word “refueling” a lot. previous postAs your long-distance run distance increases during your marathon training plan, your body will need more energy and water to continue running at a sustainable pace for hours at a time. Unfortunately, this is one of the most overlooked aspects of long distance running. Learning when and how to properly fuel (using gels, sports drinks, and other easily digestible carbohydrates) during long distance runs can help you hit the wall at mile 20 or stay energized all the way to the finish line. It can make a difference in how you feel.

I love using gels as an energy source during long distance runs

When you first start using gels and other fuels, it’s all about strategy and experimentation. Not only are you running longer and longer distances, but you’re also training your body to process nutrients while you’re on the move.

If you’re not familiar with gels, imagine instant energy packets like syrupy GoGurt. Most advertise key combinations of carbohydrates, caffeine, and amino acids. I like to describe them as “sugar shampoo,” but for some reason my runner friends find this “nasty” and “disgusting.”That’s exactly how I like gels. Ward.other runners swear gatorade chew, a Snickers bar, or even loose dates in a ziplock bag. Again, you’ll need to strategize and experiment with what works best for your body (and your budget, Gu’s gels cost a pretty penny).

I cannot stress this enough. You should experiment to see what your stomach can comfortably digest during your training runs. The sugars and electrolytes found in most gels and sports drinks can cause gastrointestinal upset if taken in large amounts at once. Start with one gel every 45-60 minutes and assess your hydration needs at the same time. Over a few long runs, slowly increase your gel and liquid intake as needed to determine the right balance.

Along with hydration, it is also important to consume energy. Be sure to drink at least 4 to 6 ounces of water with each gel to ensure smooth digestion. Additionally, you can add variety to your nutritional strategy by alternating gels with other easily digestible carbohydrates, such as hard chews or gummy bears.

The final important factor is timing. Taking the gel 5 minutes before climbing a big hill or starting a fast-paced portion of a run will help your blood sugar levels peak when you need extra energy the most. Waiting to refuel until you feel depleted of energy often means it’s too late to improve your performance for the more difficult sections ahead. With practice, marathoners learn to anticipate their refueling needs and apply the right gels and hydration at the right time to cover long distances.

How to refuel before race day

I could write about having to change my diet for months to get the most out of my training, but that would be hypocritical given my current level of indulgence. (What can I say? All those long runs have turned me into an insatiable monster.) Instead, focus on the day before and the morning of the race. What you eat, when, and what you drink can have a big impact on your race. your performance.

what to eat the day before a marathon

  • Carbo load! During his three days leading up to the marathon, he increases his carbohydrate intake to 70% of his total calories. Good carbohydrate sources include whole wheat pasta, potatoes, rice, and oats.
  • Eat familiar foods to avoid gastrointestinal problems. Now is not the time to try new exotic dishes. Stick to a daily diet that you know your body can tolerate.
  • Be sure to stay hydrated the day before. Aim for 12 to 16 cups of water each day to store water in your muscles. Reduce your fiber intake to avoid gastrointestinal problems.
  • Eat a carbohydrate-rich dinner the night before. Pasta primavera, rice and beans, pizza, etc.

Marathon morning meal: Breakfast

  • Please eat 2-4 hours before the starting gun. Set your alarm early so you have time.
  • Eat easily digestible carbohydrates and small amounts of protein. Oatmeal, whole wheat toast, banana, peanut butter, and eggs.
  • Drink 16 ounces of water or a sports drink. Be sure to stay hydrated in the morning.
  • Avoid foods that are high in fiber, fat, or protein, which can cause gastrointestinal upset.

what to eat during a marathon

  • Take a gel or chew every 45-60 minutes after the race begins.
  • Drink 4 to 8 ounces of water or sports drink every 20 to 30 minutes at a water station. Stay hydrated!
  • Watch for hunger, fatigue, and headaches. A runner once told me, “Once you start getting thirsty, it’s too late.” What they were saying was, “Feed your body with energy before it starts sending you signals that it needs more energy.”
  • “There was nothing new on race day.” This applies equally to gear and nutrition. Don’t be tempted by the stations with new gels and drinks during the race. Always use what you trained for.

What to eat to finish a marathon strong

  • The last six miles are important. In my experience, a marathon is like 20 miles plus the most challenging 10K of your life. At this point, take the gel every 30 minutes.
  • If refueling is delayed, do not take more than one gel at a time. Please leave space between them.
  • Drink water regularly to avoid hitting a wall due to dehydration.

Mastering the nuances of fueling on the road takes some trial and error, but my experience suggests it can pay big dividends on race day. By setting up a personalized nutrition plan during training, runners can avoid horrible accidents and stay energized to the finish line. The marathon distance is as much a test of endurance as it is of proper fueling. Practicing with gels and sports drinks prepares your body for long distance running.

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