Home Mental Health What to Do About Your Menu Anxiety

What to Do About Your Menu Anxiety

by Universalwellnesssystems

photograph: Anne Kosorapova (shutter stock)

have you ever waited until someone else orders To make sure you are making the right decisionIf so, chances are you have what is called ‘menu anxiety’.? and,According to recent research by One Pole1 in 3 Americans have it.

A survey of 2,000 adults found that younger people were far more likely to feel anxious when ordering.41% of Gen Z and Gen MYearnials (18-43), only 15% of Gen X and BAbby BWomer (44-77 years old). Obviously taste is the most important factor, followed by the cost, the time required to make the dishhow dirty the meal will be, and Environmental impact of food.

if you can relateCertified Mental Health Counselor Natasha D’Arcanangelo share Insight into why you have anxiety over your menu and what you can do about it.

what is the cause menu anxiety?

Why do some people get overwhelmed when it comes to something as innocuous as a menu?

“I suspect that people who already have anxiety are more likely to experience menu anxiety.” Darcangelo told Lifehacker. “People who struggle with performance anxiety and perfectionism may be more likely to experience it. If so, it could be a sign of heightened general stress levels.”

Ordering food from a menu can cause anxiety for some, “Because it feels like such a big decision.”

what do you mean Anxiety about the menu looks like this?

Since menu anxiety is not a formal mental health diagnosis, D’Arcanangelo says identifying signs that you may have menu anxiety is just speculation. But based on the research given, she says it could be something like: 1) I have trouble deciding what to order. 2) I feel as if I ordered the wrong thing. 3) Worry that others are judging you for what you order. 4) Feel pressured to order when you are at a table with others. 5) Too much emphasis on the content of the order.

Resolving Anxiety about the menu

to help alleviate Anxiety about the menuD’Arcanangelo shares the following suggestions:

  • “Take a look at the menu before you get to the restaurant. will be.”
  • “Think about your life a year from now. Do you think to yourself about the decisions you made about what to eat that night? You don’t have to think too much.”
  • “It helps to look at your eating decisions through the lens of:Is this a life-threatening situation? 』 When ordering at a restaurant, do not immediately put your life in danger. That means you don’t have to board a plane or respond to combat. This perspective can help you feel less overwhelmed and avoid catastrophic situations. “
  • “Remember that you can’t make the wrong decision when ordering unless you’re ordering something you’re allergic to. The worst-case scenario is you end up with something you don’t like. , can help you feel less overwhelmed with your choices.”

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