Home Nutrition What It Means If You’re Suddenly Craving Chocolate, According to Registered Dietitians

What It Means If You’re Suddenly Craving Chocolate, According to Registered Dietitians

by Universalwellnesssystems

Your body may be trying to tell you something.

We’ve all been there: Horrible 4 pm slumpto give myself some extra energy Reach for the chocolate bar in your desk drawer in time for dinner, or slice up the extra chocolate cake at the office party. Or maybe you’re someone who can’t stand chocolate all the time.

And we don’t blame you. Most people find chocolate intoxicating. craving It can be traced back to our ancestors.

Dr. Mindy Haar, PhDA registered dietitian and nutritionist at the New York Institute of Technology School of Health, one of the associate deans, says that early humans sugar When thick It’s something that has evolved over time.

She said, “Sensitivity to sweet tastes allowed individuals to distinguish between fruits with peak freshness and vitamin and mineral content. high fat food, increased the chances of survival during periods of food scarcity. “

Most of us are fortunate enough to have access to nutrient-dense foods at all times, but Dr. Haar says the food industry is creating foods like chocolate that bolster our innate cravings for sugar and fat. I say yes. — it’s irresistible.

Tracee Yablon Brenner RD, HHC, CLTThe ambulatory holistic dietitian project coordinator at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey adds when someone eats: dark chocolatereleases mood-enhancing chemicals. endorphins can maintain anxiety When stress at the bay.

In other words? That elation you experience after eating chocolate isn’t just in your head. It’s very real, and for thousands of years we’ve been wired to experience it. Read on for these possible causes to discover how to eat chocolate with your health in mind.

Causes of chocolate cravings

1. Sugar Cravings

One of the biggest reasons you crave chocolate should come as no surprise. sweet tooth Chocolate is the only thing that will satisfy your craving. According to Haar, one of the most likely reasons he’s experiencing chocolate cravings is that he craves two sugars and fats when he’s chock-full of chocolate.

2. A magnesium deficiency

Since many people tend to have low magnesiumAs Yablon Brenner points out, your chocolate craving could actually be your body’s signal that it needs more of this essential nutrient that aids in energy production and muscle function. .

Yablon Brenner states that healthy adult men should generally consume 400 to 420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium daily, while healthy adult women should consume 310 to 320 mg daily. teeth supplement or foods naturally high in magnesium, pumpkin seeds, Avocadobeans, nuts, leafy green vegetables, and especially dark chocolate, which is a good source of magnesium.

“If you feel anxious, sleep problems If you have muscle pain, I recommend having your magnesium levels checked by a healthcare professional to see what else is going on.

Related: 20 foods high in magnesium. Getting this essential nutrient from your diet is easier than you think.

3. Hormonal changes

when PMS Hit, did you ever find yourself reaching for a pint of chocolate ice cream? It’s common for hormonal changes to bring about chocolate cravings.

“Hormonal changes that cause stress, menstrual period Also pregnancy It may be why people crave chocolate, but it’s more likely that they crave delicious foods high in sugar and fat,” Haar says.

4. Hypoglycemia

you are hungry you haven’t eaten in hours And you are starting to feel dizzy. “Chocolate” may be the only word that comes to mind at that moment.

or hypoglycemia Absolutely can foster a chocolate craving. As Yablon Brenner puts it, “If someone waits too long between meals, their blood sugar drops and they need a chocolate energy boost.”

Related: New craving alert!Here’s everything you need to know about vegan chocolate

5. A Regular Chocolate Habit

Our bodies and minds remember and grasp daily habits, whether they are beneficial or not. And one of your habits might just be eating chocolate regularly.

Harle says some research suggested that chocolate consumption may become habitual and follow an addiction model due to brain chemistry.

6. Low mood

Yabron Brenner, to reassure stressimprove you mood ease anxietyIt’s natural to crave chocolate, and it can provide a temporary sense of healing and make you feel better.

Related: The Science of Stress: What Happens in Our Bodies When We Are Stressed?

Choose chocolate wisely

Reach for chocolate if that’s what you really want. Withholding desirable foods from your diet exponentially increases your chances of cave-in and possibly overeating. After all, too much sugar and fat can be detrimental to your overall health. I have. mental health to exposure to physical conditions such as Diabetes When Heart diseaseBut chocolate can absolutely be eaten in moderation.

“Many people really love and crave chocolate, but the variety and quality makes all the difference,” says Yabron Brenner, who notes that chocolate is rich in polyphenols, compounds found in chocolate. I added that it is included in the . vegetable food It has many advantages such as improvement. heart health When brain functionBut that’s all about which The chocolate I chose to take advantage of the polyphenols.

“indulge in raw cacao Minimally processed stuff tastes better and helps with many health conditions,” says Yablon Brenner. “Dark chocolate has higher concentrations of polyphenols. antioxidant it may help reduce inflammation lead to the onset of depressionRaw, unprocessed cocoa, or dark chocolate, contains more magnesium and polyphenols than processed cocoa, chocolate, and milk chocolate. “

Next time you go to the grocery store, keep an eye out for blendable raw cacao nibs. smoothieor look for dark chocolate bar Over 70% cocoa.

Haar also offers other ways to modify chocolate, such as eating mini chocolate bars instead of the regular size, or sprinkling unsweetened ones so you can benefit from the cocoa flavor without the added fat. is also proposed. cocoa powder One to two teaspoons of confectioner’s sugar in the juice of fresh, thawed frozen blueberries, chunks of fresh melon, or canned pineapple. Hmmm!

next, Discover 15 healthy and delicious chocolate recipes.


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