Home Health Care What is Trump’s health care plan? What a second term might look like

What is Trump’s health care plan? What a second term might look like

by Universalwellnesssystems

Former President Donald Trump once again promised during his campaign to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but the bill remains a vague goal and one of his administration's most glaring policy failures. Ta.

Obama era health law more popular and widely used We are much better off now than in 2017, when President Trump and Congressional Republicans proved unable to pass their plan. President Trump has never offered his own Obamacare replacement plan, despite his repeated promises.

Nevertheless, “We're going to fight for far better health care than Obamacare. Obamacare is a disaster,” Trump said. He made this statement during the suspension of election activities on January 6th. In Iowa.

Mr. Trump's unpredictability has made it difficult to gauge his health care priorities during what is expected to be a second term in office. He provides few details and frequently changes his position, and his campaign did not respond to requests for comment. But we can review his medical records and see what they tell us.

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