Home Nutrition What Is Trehalose? A Natural Sugar That Could Have Many Potential Health Benefits

What Is Trehalose? A Natural Sugar That Could Have Many Potential Health Benefits

by Universalwellnesssystems

important point

  • Trehalose is a natural and commercially produced sugar used as a sweetener and stabilizer in some foods.
  • Some studies suggest that trehalose may be used in the management of some metabolic diseases, but more research is needed.
  • A 2018 study found that trehalose and C. Difference Infections have been reported, but new research challenges this claim.

Trehalose is a natural sugar found in some mushrooms, seaweed, honey, and yeast. This sweetener commercially produced Since the 1990s in Japan, trehalose has attracted attention among scientists for its potential use as a food stabilizer and therapeutic agent.

New reviews posted on nutrients suggested that trehalose could be used in the management of certain metabolic diseases and may support gut microbiota as a prebiotic. Trehalose can also be used as an effective food preservative.

“It can protect food from discoloration and various chemical reactions. It is a functional additive in addition to a sweetener.” Dr. Patrick Gibneyco-author of the review and assistant professor of food science at Cornell University, told Verywell.

Gibney added that trehalose has “several potential health benefits,” but more research is needed to confirm these observations.

Some food scientists and manufacturers are already incorporating trehalose into more products. The ingredients are found in thousands of foods, including baked goods, processed vegetables, and seafood.

It’s about half as sweet as table sugar, but it’s used in food science as more than just a sugar substitute, according to Dr. Anqi Chen, an assistant professor at the Center for Future Food Science, Jiangnan University in China. .

“This sugar substitute not only provides sweetness, but also prevents ice crystal formation in ice creams and sorbets, prevents oxidation, improves the crispiness of baked goods, and binds moisture. ,” Chen told Verywell in an email.

Trehalase deficiency is rare

Trehalose is broken down in the body by an enzyme called trehalase. However, for those who appear to be deficient in this enzyme, trehalose can cause nausea and other digestive complications. You can see

Does trehalose have any health purpose?

Medical professionals are trying to understand how trehalose can be used to manage certain health conditions.

A 2021 paper raised the potential use of trehalose to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s. Current research suggests that trehalose functions by triggering autophagy. It is a natural process by which cells break down certain proteins and reuse them for other purposes. However, more research is needed to validate this theory.

Some researchers are interested in the potential use of trehalose in diabetes management. It was examined in comparison with sugar-fed individuals. The results suggest that trehalose may improve glucose tolerance in some people without diabetes and help keep people with prediabetes healthy.

Jamie K. Allan, PharmD, PhDAn associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University’s School of Human Medicine, he told Verywell in an email that there are several trehalose therapeutics currently available on the market. Side effects seem to be minimal at doses below 50g.

“This is remarkable and we expect to hear more about this compound in the future,” Alan said.

do you make trehalose C. Difference bad?

The FDA considers trehalose to be generally safe. However, a study published in 2018 cautioned that increased trehalose consumption after FDA approval may have contributed to the rise of “epidemic and hypervirulent strains” of trehalose. Clostridioides difficile (C. diff).

C. Difference Infections are associated with diarrhea and inflammation of the colon and can be life-threatening for the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. This is a serious infection, and a 2018 study raised concerns that trehalose might not be safe to consume.

However, other studies have since challenged that claim, saying trehalose is not responsible for elevated blood levels. C. Difference Infection.

Gibney discussed conflicting things C. Difference In his recent review study, although trehalose was likely not the cause, C. Difference Further research is needed to examine the effects of different sugars on infections and the gut microbiota.

“There may be many types of sugars with positive prebiotic effects if they help promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms within the microbiome.” Human physiology in a positive or negative way.

what this means for you

Trehalose is already being used on the market and many experts believe it will start appearing in more products soon. However, there is not enough evidence to suggest that it has any significant health benefits.

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