Home Medicine What is the viral ‘Budget Ozempic’ trend — and why are experts warning of harmful side effects?

What is the viral ‘Budget Ozempic’ trend — and why are experts warning of harmful side effects?

by Universalwellnesssystems


Ozempic, Wigovy, and other diabetes drugs have become one of the hottest and most controversial weight loss fads.

However, the demand for these drugs is so high that they are in short supply nationwide. It is also expensive, with a month’s supply costing between $900 and $1,300.

As a result, people on social media have started paying attention to something called “Budget Ozempic.” This actually refers to laxatives and stool softeners, not Ozempic.

Ozempic and other diabetes drugs have become one of the hottest and most controversial weight loss fads. rh2010 – Stock.adobe.com

In September 2023, there was a laxative shortage due to the beginning of the “Budget Ozempic” trend, where users on TikTok used hashtags to promote daily doses of laxatives, specifically Miralax. #Guttokutrying to lose weight.

One woman shared: tick tock She claims that a combination of Miralax and four Dulcolax laxative soft chews is her go-to way to “detox” her body, especially after the holidays.

Not only are laxatives and stool softeners not intended to be used as long-term medications and do not have a lasting effect on weight loss, they can be harmful to your health for a variety of reasons.

Dr. Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer well known He, who is also president of the Obesity Medicine Society, told the Post that using laxatives for weight loss is “unsafe and not effective in the long term.” Abuse of laxatives can cause severe electrolyte abnormalities that can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and death. ”

“While laxatives like Miralax are safe for long-term use to manage constipation in people with constipation, abusing them for weight loss can be medically and psychologically dangerous.”

Despite the potential side effects of laxatives and stool softeners, some people switch to the drug after stopping taking weight loss medications such as Ozempic or Wigovy due to extreme side effects.

Ozempic and Wigovy are drugs designed for people with type 2 diabetes called semaglutide, which helps the pancreas release the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are high.

Although both drugs are widely used as weight loss drugs, only Wegovy is approved by the U.S. government as a weight loss drug. food and drug administration — specifically, a BMI of 30 or higher, or 27 or higher for people with weight-related health conditions.

This drug works by mimicking the natural hormone glucagon-like peptide-1, which slows the passage of food through the stomach and makes you feel fuller for longer.

This drug works by mimicking the natural hormone glucagon-like peptide-1, which slows the passage of food through the stomach and makes you feel fuller for longer. Natalia – Stock.adobe.com

On the other hand, the “cheap Ozempic” laxative works as follows: Waste products move quickly through the intestines and water is secreted into the intestines, which can disrupt the balance of minerals and salts.

by mayo clinic, if you use too many laxatives, you may become dependent on them for bowel movements. Overuse can also reduce the ability of the colon to contract, which can worsen constipation and cause long-term constipation.

However, laxatives and stool softeners May also cause widespread diarrheaif used too often and for too long, it can damage a person’s intestines and increase the chance of colon cancer.

Long-term use can also cause electrolyte imbalances in the body, including calcium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and sodium levels. Electrolytes regulate many body functions, and imbalances can cause serious health problems such as changes in heart rhythm, weakness, confusion, and seizures.

Other symptoms that may occur after using too many laxatives or stool softeners include severe stomach cramping or pain, changes in bowel patterns, blood in the stool or rectal bleeding, weakness, unusual fatigue, and dizziness.

There is also a risk of dehydration and nutritional deficiencies.

Misusing laxatives can further increase the risk of eating disorders, Dr. Fitch said, adding, “Using laxatives for weight loss is technically bulimia.”

a 2022 survey They found that people taking semaglutide regained two-thirds of the weight they previously lost after one year of discontinuation.

“Budget Ozempic” does not refer to Ozempic, but rather to a laxative or stool softener. Miraf – Stock.adobe.com

a more recent research A paper published in December 2023 found similar results with FDA-approved tirzepatide. main ingredients With Munjaro and Zepbound.

CNN reported Several dieters have been diagnosed with severe gastroparesis, a condition in which the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine slows or stops, which doctors believe was likely caused by taking Ozempic.

Some people rush to the bathroom and wake up to find their sheets dirty. Others have revealed they joined the ‘st the bed club’ after waking up covered in their own poop.

Users of this drug also claim that they have experienced Strange dreams about Hollywood stars.

People are taking to social media to join the cast of The Golden Girls, prepare for a museum heist with Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, and celebrate Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s family holding their baby. They share strange sleep fantasies, such as merging the two.

Another side effect, “Ozempik’s finger,” is a reduction in the size of the fingers and wrist, and jewelers report that women are rushing to reduce the size of their rings and bracelets. The number is a shocking 150% compared to last year.

And “Ozenpic burp”, specifically “sulfur burp“It smells like rotten eggs.”

Some people say their buttocks have become flat “like a pancake.” This includes someone who reportedly previously underwent a Brazilian butt lift.

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