Home Medicine What is the PanaNatra line of painkillers and can herbal products effectively relieve pain?

What is the PanaNatra line of painkillers and can herbal products effectively relieve pain?

by Universalwellnesssystems

In the era of Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwideThe search for effective and safe pain relievers has never been greater.

Pananatra A line of herbal products from Haleon, the manufacturer of Panadol.Haleon Claim Pananatra’s three products made from plant extracts help manage and relieve mild joint pain, mild muscle pain, and mild pain that affects sleep.

These include various combinations of the four plants.

  • boswellia serrata (included in joint and muscle products)
  • Curcumalonga (In joint and muscle products)
  • piper nigrum (Only for joint products)
  • Withania somnifera (Just a sleeping product).

These products areMedicines on the list” in Australia. This means that the ingredients are widely considered to be low risk, used in traditional medicine, and manufactured to high standards. has not provided any evidence that it works.

So, can herbal ingredients effectively and safely alleviate various types of pain?

What does the evidence say?

Consider the evidence for four key ingredients.

boswellia serrata

Indian frankincense (boswellia serrata) has been described in traditional Indian Ayurvedic texts since the 1st century AD.The main active compound is derived from a tree gum resin called boswellic acid It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties.

boswellia serrata Also called Indian frankincense.
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of boswellia serrata The dry concentrated extract (Lulive K) used in muscle pain products contains 50 mg of the herb per tablet, while joint pain products contain 33.3 mg in a separate formulation (Apresflex) .

Review of various human clinical trials using different formulations of this herb support that ability Reduces some types of pain and improves function in osteoarthritis. However, the key finding of the study was that improvement only begins when: boswellia serrata Use continuously for at least 4 weeks at a dose of 100 to 250 mg per day.

in clinical trial100mg per day boswellia serrata Gum-based products have been found to reduce pain and improve physical function in patients with osteoarthritis.

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Turmeric (Curcumalonga) It has been used in Chinese and Indian medicine for at least 2,000 years. It contains a well-known chemical called curcumin. Curcumin is a natural compound used specifically for its anti-inflammatory properties. osteoarthritis.

Turmeric root (Curcumalonga)
Curcumalonga Also called turmeric.
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Turmeric ingredients such as curcumin, often combined and boswellia serrata Compounds that increase anti-inflammatory effects and reduce pain.

a Review of 16 different clinical trials Turmeric extract was found to be effective for knee osteoarthritis.

Similar conclusions were drawn from: Review of 11 clinical trials This study investigated the use of curcuminoids (of which curcumin is one) for periods of one to four months. It found that curcuminoids have analgesic properties similar to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-based drugs.

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piper nigrum

Black pepper (piper nigrum) Contains chemicals piperinehas anti-inflammatory properties.

Piper nigrum (peppercorn)
piper nigrum Also called black pepper.
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piper nigrum As with Pananatra joint pain products, it is often added to curcumin products to improve curcumin absorption.

For musculoskeletal pain, Preliminary human testing A study looking at the effects of 1,000mg per day of Lulieve K (the extract used in Pananatra) found it to be as effective as paracetamol.

However, this study was not placebo-controlled and the dose of paracetamol given (1,000 mg per day) was below the recommended daily intake for pain relief.

Read more: Knee pain: Here’s why knee pain happens and how to fix it.

Withania somnifera

Withania somnifera (also called ashwagandha) traditional indian ayurvedic medicine It has been used for thousands of years to reduce stress and soothe inflammation.

Withania somnifera plant, commonly known as ashwagandha (winter cherry).
ashwagandha, or Withania somniferaalso called winter cherry blossoms.
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One of the main chemicals may be: Withaferin A It interferes with inflammatory signaling pathways.

Pananatra’s pain and sleep products contain 300 mg per tablet. Withania somnifera Extraction called KSM66.

a human trial A dose of 600mg per day was discovered Withania somnifera The extract improved sleep quality and helped manage insomnia.

in another court, Withania somnifera It was also found to improve sleep quality when administered at a dose of 600 mg per day.

Read more: From Ayurveda to biomedicine: Understanding the human body

So what does this mean?

Whether and how effective a herbal medicine is is highly dependent on the formulation (how it is made and the extracts used) and the dosage provided. Using the same herb in one formulation may produce different results than another formulation containing the same herb.

It’s also important to note that just because a product works for one type of pain doesn’t mean it will work for other types of pain.

Overall, there is some evidence that herbal extracts similar to those found in Pananatra products have benefits for pain and sleep. Whether they work for you depends on many factors, including the effectiveness of the Pananatra preparation, the amount you take, and your pain level.

are they safe?

Pananatra should be used with caution in some patients.

Overall, there is insufficient human data to recommend these herbal ingredients during pregnancy or lactation.In fact, there is some evidence Withania somnifera Turmeric and its compounds may not be safe to use during pregnancy, and in amounts other than those commonly found in foods. not considered safe It can be used even during pregnancy.

Herbs can also affect the effectiveness and safety of other medications.For example, the blood concentration of anticancer drugs Tamoxifen may be reduced When taken at the same time as turmeric supplements.

Withania somnifera Associated with drowsiness and the following cases: liver toxicity.

Curcumalonga Products such as preparations containing curcumin and piperine have also been associated with liver toxicity. As such, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration recommends: Add a warning label In any product containing those ingredients. However, this discussion is ongoing and a decision will not be made until next year.


Although the traditional use of herbs in Pananatra products has a long history, high-quality scientific evidence about the effectiveness and safety of these specific products is limited.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume these products. Also, do not exceed her daily intake recommended by the manufacturer.

If you have an underlying medical condition or are taking other medications, check with your doctor or pharmacist before trying these products to see if they are right for you.

Read more: Do you know what’s in the herbal medicine you’re taking?

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