Home Fitness What Is The 25-7-2 StairMaster Workout? The TikTok Trend, Explained

What Is The 25-7-2 StairMaster Workout? The TikTok Trend, Explained

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you’ve officially conquered your 12:03:30 treadmill routine and want a new way to sweat in the gym, then the 25:07:2 Stairmaster workout is for you. 240 million viewsI tried it, and when I say I sweat, I no joke. Just like 12-3-30, the charm of 25-7-2 — Created by TikToker @shutupcamilla —That means all you need is one piece of gym equipment and a few parameters to get a little workout.

12-3-30 is walking uphill for 30 minutes at 12% incline on the treadmill, while 25-7-2 is done on a StairMaster or Stair Stepper. Setting the machine to level 7, he climbs for 25 minutes twice a week. That’s all. That’s 25-7-2.

I typically only spend about 5-10 minutes on the StairMaster before moving on to another part of my workout.If you’ve ever climbed stairs, five minutes feels like more enough. Not only does it give your glutes and hamstrings an instant boost, it also puts quite a bit of cardio effort into it. I knew the 25:07:02 trend would literally piss me off because walking upstairs is exhausting.

25-7-2 TikTok trend

Having done my fair share of 12-3-30s, I already knew that walking uphill at a fast pace was no easy task. So he showed up to the gym with an Emotional Support Water Bottle in tow so he could tackle the 25-7-2 while staying hydrated as much as possible.

Again, I normally only use the stairlift for 5 minutes and climb at a fairly slow speed, so I was worried about how fast level 7 would make me. No surprises here, it’s pretty fast. To get into the zone, I turned on a podcast and focused on walking at a steady pace. I think it’s all about getting into the rhythm when climbing stairs.

I did a quick warm-up beforehand, so I felt pretty good for the first five minutes. But after about 8 minutes, I officially noticed my glutes and my breath. I was sweaty and windy, but I kept walking. After all, it’s only 25 minutes. Knowing that your workout has a time limit will motivate you to finish it, even if you’re dreaming of the end.

To take 25-7-2 up a notch, go out of rail Climb hands-free. It’s fine to hang on the bar if you want, but I’ve tried letting go and putting it on my hips a few times, especially if you’re riding his StairMaster for the first time. Immediately, I could feel my obliques and abs activating and stabilizing my body. Even a mini core workout? I’ll take it.

By the time 20 minutes had passed, my Fitbit was applauding for every active zone minute, like I didn’t know. My heart was pounding the whole time, but I knew I was likely to eventually get over the hump and move from sluggishness and fatigue to warming up and focusing, like 12-3-30. I can’t say I’m doing it, but I managed to keep going.

To get the most out of your workout, push through your midfoot or heel instead of walking on your toes to engage your leg and gluteal muscles. I climbed with this in mind.

There were moments when I stepped in, sipped water, and wondered why I thought 12-3-30 would be tiring. my takeout? 25-7-2 is get tiredbut just like 12-3-30, I think it’s a great challenge whenever you’re in the mood for some heavy cardio. , twice a week is sufficient.

Advantages of 25-7-2

The 25-7-2 feels like a serious mountain hike, so you can imagine the effect. for your feet ass, and cardiovascular systemI was drenched in sweat at the end, so naturally strenuous exerciseAs an added bonus, the stress I had inadvertently cleared and I felt better. (Thanks, endorphins!)

However, like many TikTok fitness trends, this workout isn’t for beginners. increase. If you think 25-7-2 is too much, choose something like 5-3-1 instead.

Referenced studies:

Egaña, M. (2004). Physiological changes in a woman after her 12-week gym-based stair climbing, elliptical trainer, and treadmill running program. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. PMID: 15470311.

Harper, NG. (2018). Muscle function and coordination in climbing stairs. J Biomech Eng. Doi: 10.1115/1.4037791. PMID: 28857115.

Jenkins, EM. (2019) Does a stair-climbing exercise ‘snack’ improve cardiorespiratory fitness? Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Doi: 10.1139/apnm-2018-0675. Epub 2019 16 Jan. PMID: 30649897.

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