Home Fitness What Is Silent Walking? Viral Trend Has Physical, Mental Benefits

What Is Silent Walking? Viral Trend Has Physical, Mental Benefits

by Universalwellnesssystems

We’ve all heard the advice that going for a run can clear your mind, or spending time outdoors can give you a new perspective on a problem, but the latest viral trend on TikTok is these two: It fuses the two together in an unexpectedly beneficial way.

This is called silent walking and combines the health benefits of nature, exercise and meditation to keep many participants focused and calm.

What is silent walking?

Silent walking started trending earlier this summer, thanks to TikTok creator Maddie Maio Posted About being advised by a nutritionist to walk 30 minutes a day “instead of doing the crazy cardio you used to do.” This proposal of hers was followed by a proposal from her boyfriend, who requested her not to listen to podcasts, music, etc. during that time. Thousands of people have since posted on social media their experiences of walking daily without distractions.

Maio’s video helped spark the current rise in popularity of the silent walking movement, but the concept is nothing new. “Zen monks have long practiced walking silently, under another name they call ‘walking meditation,'” says mindfulness book author Lara Delia.give a higher vibration every daysays TODAY.com.

The essence of silent walking is clearing your mind and taking a walk alone without distractions. Practices taught by Buddhism can turn exercise into a personal meditation session. “Walking quietly is an easy way to get away from all the noise and chaos that is part of our busy world,” Dr. Juanita Guerra, a clinical psychologist in New Rochelle, New York, told TODAY.com. “This is a great way to connect with our essential selves.”

“By removing distractions (walking quietly), participants become more aware of their inner and outer environments,” says psychologist Amanda Darnley, Ph.D., TODAY.com told to

Dr. Susanne Hackenmiller, a physician in integrative medicine, says the movement is temporary as more people try to reconnect with themselves.

“Recent studies have found that rates of anxiety and depression have risen dramatically since the pandemic began, prompting people to seek natural, holistic approaches to improving their mental health. I think they are,” she told TODAY.com.

How can I walk silently?

The idea of ​​walking without distraction may sound tempting, but it’s easier said than done, warns Guerra. “Considering we live in a world of overstimulation, it can be difficult to practice walking quietly,” she says.

Experts recommend keeping things simple to get started.

  • Take a walk in a quiet place nearby. “Preferably in nature or somewhere outdoors,” Guerra says. It’s also best to choose a time when you know there will be minimal distractions and activity around the area.
  • – “Address your body’s basic needs, like thirst and hunger, in advance so they aren’t a distraction,” suggests Guerra.
  • Make sure it’s just you and your thoughts. “No phone, no walking companion, no dog,” Guerra says.
  • Focus on your emotions, your breath, and the beauty around you. “Pay attention to your breath and every step, listen to the sounds of nature around you, be grateful for the sun kissing your skin, and take time to reflect,” advises Delia.

If you can’t walk far or have access to nature, know that “you can walk quietly anywhere,” says Darnley. “Even if you live in the city, you can take a quiet walk. The environment doesn’t necessarily have to be quiet, but you have to.”

Hackenmiller added that if people with mobility problems want to experience the benefits of walking quietly, they can do so by finding a reflective “sitting spot” outdoors. He says it’s “a place where you sit quietly in nature for at least 20 minutes and just notice what you’ve noticed.”

What are the benefits of walking silently?

Health benefits of silent walking include reduced stress, increased energy and resilience, a deeper connection with yourself, and even lower blood pressure and heart rate.

“Walking quietly switches the mind into another mode of rest and focus,” says Delia. By doing so, participants are more likely to notice thoughts they may have missed. “I often say that sleep is not the only form of rest. Practices such as quiet walking and walking meditation are also forms of rest,” Delia says.

“Another benefit of walking in silence is that it increases ‘our self-awareness,'” Guerra said. Personal introspection helps with goal setting and leads to more purposeful living. “Quieting the mind is a grounding exercise that can also lower anxiety levels,” he says. ‘ she added.

Walking in silence can also reject the idea that it’s best to do more than one thing at a time. “We live in a multitasking society, which is the antithesis of mindfulness,” explains Darnley. But “focusing on one thing at a time, like walking in silence, can help you be more efficient and productive,” she says.

Hackenmiller said: Recent research This indicates that “walking or exercising in nature may also be an effective intervention to improve sleep.” another study She points out that adults who take a 90-minute walk in nature report less rumination and less rumination and rumination of negative, stressful thoughts.

And the benefits don’t stop with mental health. Mindfulness practices like silent walking are “clinically proven to lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, improve blood sugar levels, and boost the immune system,” Hackenmiller says.

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