Home Nutrition What Is Potassium Bromate—and Should You Avoid It?

What Is Potassium Bromate—and Should You Avoid It?

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest food news, you may have heard California Proposed Ban on Certain Food Additives, containing potassium bromate. But what exactly is potassium bromate and should we be concerned about it?

This article explores the world of food additives and explains what potassium bromate is, where it is commonly found, and the potential health risks associated with consuming it. Whether you’re a consumer of food or simply curious about the foods you’re eating, keep reading so you can make an informed decision about what to put on your plate.

What is potassium bromate?

Potassium bromate is Chemical additives commonly used in the food industry It helps strengthen dough and improve the texture of baked goods. It is often added to breads, rolls, and other baked goods to increase rise and provide a more uniform texture. potential health risks.

potassium bromate is Classified as a possible human carcinogen According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), it may increase the risk of cancer in humans. Despite this classification, potassium bromate is still legal in many countries, including the United States.

“Potassium bromate [increase risk of] It affects cancer in animals, acts as a free radical, and causes oxidative damage in laboratory studies with human liver and intestinal cells,” said Kelsey Knick, R.D.N. and Nutritional Advisor. RDNs fin to fin,To tell eat well“Studies show that many freshly baked breads contain unsafe levels of potassium bromate.” Food and Drug Administration threshold dose 50 mg/kg.

Potassium Bromate Food List

Potassium bromate is a common food additive. used for decades Improves the texture and rise of bread and other baked goods. The following products often contain potassium bromate.

  • bagel
  • bread
  • cracker
  • donut
  • English Muffin
  • pastries
  • pizza crust
  • pizza dough
  • pretzels
  • Rawls
  • tortilla
  • waffle cone

It’s important to note that not all bread products contain potassium bromate, so it’s a good idea to check the ingredient list before purchasing.

Should I Avoid Potassium Bromate?

Potassium bromate is associated with potential health risks.

Research Links Carcinogenicity of potassium bromate in experimental animals It has also been classified by IARC as a probable human carcinogen. There is no clear evidence that potassium bromate causes cancer in humans, but more research is needed to clarify long-term health risks.

“Bakers with too much potassium bromate can experience symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and pain and irritation in the abdomen and digestive tract,” Kunik says. [might] Leading to cancer, lab studies show it Potassium bromate is converted into oxides and free radicals The amount of damage that can damage DNA and chromosomes and is directly affected by the amount of potassium bromate ingested.

Potassium bromate is banned in many countries.

Due to concerns about its safety, Potassium bromate is banned in some countries, the European Union, Canada, Brazil and China. However, although the FDA requires it, it is still allowed in the US. Listed as an ingredient on food labels.

Potassium bromate is not required.

Potassium bromate can improve the texture and rise of bread, but is not necessary for baking.Other ingredients such as ascorbic acid (aka vitamin C) and enzymes can be used to achieve similar results. Many companies have switched to using alternative ingredients in their products, showing that it is possible to bake bread without potassium bromate.


1. What is Potassium Bromate used for?

Potassium bromate is a food additive used as a flour improver to strengthen dough and help it rise during baking. It is commonly added to confectionery.

2. What does bromate do in the body?

When ingested, potassium bromate is converted into reactive molecules that can damage DNA and increase cancer risk. function may also be affected. kidney and nervous systemHowever, the potentially harmful effects of potassium bromate depend on dose and duration of exposure.

3. Is potassium bromate harmful to humans?

Potassium bromate has been classified by IARC as a possible human carcinogen and is banned in many countries, including the European Union and Canada. Although the FDA has cleared it for use in the United States, some health experts recommend avoiding foods containing potassium bromate due to potential health risks.


Potassium bromate is a controversial food additive used in the food industry to enhance the texture and rise of baked goods. It is commonly added to breads, rolls, and other baked goods to make them plump and attractive. is prohibited in The FDA still allows it for use in the United States, but many companies are switching to alternative ingredients to achieve similar results. It is worth considering avoiding the food.

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